Is it normal people saying stop using disorder as an excuse?

I have severe anxiety, depression and aspergers and when I tell someone I can't do something (i.e. going somewhere where their will be lots of people, or doing a task in which at that moment I'll be too tired or depressed to do it) people will get angry at me and tell me to stop using my disorder as an excuse. I don't understand, as it's not like I'm constantly telling people no, it's just I know what will happen if I go ahead with it. If I go to a crowded place I'll get an anxiety attack, but people don't seem to understand this even when they've witnessed it with their own fucking eyes. You wouldn't tell a person with no fingers to write something, then get angry at them when they tell you the reason why they can't do that.

I'm also trying to get help for my problems, I've tried pills and I'm still seeing a psychologist but it never really helps. I just get sick of people complaining that I shouldn't use my disorder as an explanation, it's not like I don't want to go out/do tasks, I'd love to be normal and to go outside without feeling an ounce of fear or stress. I'd love to get up early in the morning without feeling suicidal and worthless, but guess what? I don't have a choice.

I hate everyone like this, because to me their all idiotic fools who can't even grasp the simple concept of a mental illness.

I also hate people trying to put down my problems as nothing by saying "everyone has anxiety, I do sometimes and I get through it.", "everyone has depression", etc. Sure, but have they ever broke down in the middle of a shopping mall in panic, or contemplated slicing your jugular with that kitchen knife you just picked up? Everyone has a bit of anxiety and depression, but there's a difference between mild and severe, though most people can't seem to understand this.

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 23 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • (s)aint

    I agree with you.

    But What we have to understand is that to normal people it sounds like excuses.

    If you avoid going out with your friends because you feel like the anxiety isn´t worth it, so be it. You guys can hang out closer to home.

    If you avoid doing things that every adult needs to do you have to find your own way to make it happen.

    I have ADHD and I assume that I have some autism due to my social issues.

    I accept the fact that I am not normal, some things are really fucking difficult for me, but if they have to happen they happen.

    If I can avoid it, I avoid it.

    If I need to go to the store when I don´t feel like I want to deal with people, i call someone and it goes much easier.

    It´s very common for "Normies" to literally put us down by saying stuff like that "Oh but everyone has ADHD :):) " When i describe some basic issues.

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  • They don't get it, and things are much harder for you than for someone who doesn't have the mental illness, but it should never ever be an excuse. You can't let it be an excuse. You have to take responsibility for how you act, and what you do/don't do

    I have an extreme phobia of having my skin exposed, I wear thermal wear under every outfit. But I can /not/ let that stop me from completeing a task everyone else is doing. It sucks. I know. But you have to push on. My roommate couldn't do the dishes one day, and I was out of gloves, so I had to do them bare hand. I puked three times, and my body absolutely rejected touching the water, but if he can do them I have to do them, even if it's ten times harder for me.

    If you have to cry the entire time you're completeing a task, or you shake like crazy from anxiety and puke a few times, hell even if you piss yourself. So be it. You have to keep up with common tasks.

    Mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, split personality, bipolar, OCD, though incredibly difficult, can not be an excuse. Not commenting on aspergers because I don't know anything about it.

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    • (s)aint

      Yes and no.

      A lot of people use their illness as an excuse to not challenge themselves and grow.

      But we are all wired differently, whilst you are capable of violating yourself to the point of vomiting and anxiety just to do something that someone like me could do in ten minutes and then go on with my life, why can´t I do that task for you and then you help me with something else?

      "Dude, please could you do the dishes today?"

      I have some issues as well, mostly with social things and quite frankly ... i avoid them if they aren´t important. (either to me or to someone i care about)

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  • CrystalMethodist

    There actually are people out there who are just lazy and use imaginary aspergers to explain away why they dont want to go out make friends or get a job and just want to sit around on the computer all day.

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    • I understand that, and I know it can happen but that doesn't mean people should treat everyone who says they have aspergers suspiciously

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  • Jacob_Zuma_783

    Only one question: were you diagnosed with Aspergers?

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    • I was diagnosed by a psychologist at age 7

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      • Jacob_Zuma_783

        Ok, just making sure. A lot of people say they have anxiety/depression when really they don't. So a diagnosis of Aspergers verifies your disorder to me.

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  • Rihyae

    Yeah they don't get it. They were shy too, that's hilarious.

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