Is it normal people sell used stuff for the same price as new stuff

I live in a small town and someone is posted 1 reusable shopping and wants to sell it for $10.00. when I bought my reusable beg it was brand new and I paid $6.00. For years people posted clothes at are the same brand as they sell in Walmart and it's posted as the same price as Walmart sells clothes.

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27% Normal
Based on 11 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • olderdude-xx

    There are cases where items do gain value (or the older version is more valuable).

    However, the real reason people list a lot of this stuff... is that ultimately someone buys it because they are either incapable or too lazy to go to stores and shop (some people have no transportation, have medical conditions, etc).

    Why not just ignore them. Do the internet shopping that makes sense to you...

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  • Yep, delusions abound when it comes to selling shit. Don't forget all the "artists" who think randomly splashing paint on a canvas or gluing garbage to other garbage makes it valuable, or the ones selling their ratty ass old shoes, socks, underwear etc. for 50+ bucks to perverts. 🤣

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    • SkullsNRoses

      I don’t blame the people in the last category, they’re enjoying their side hussle.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    We call them meth addicts where im from

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  • Somenormie

    Nope not even normal, when I sell my things I increase the price ( but it would depend on how rare the item is. ).

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  • ellnell

    Yes they are called scammers.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    they ask for that much

    mosta the time they dont hear back or get lowballed to death

    someone on craigslist nearby has a 'very rare antique' mickey mouse clock (that dont work) on craigslist for 1500 bucks

    its been reposted every day for a fuckin decade

    if i ever won powerball id go buy it and smash it in their driveway then drive away

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    • BleedingPain

      Some people think they have a rare item. What makes an item rare is how many there are and howm many people are willing to buy it

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      Realize they'll still have won in this situation.

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    • RoseIsabella

      That kinda mean, but hilarious at the same time!

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    • wigz an armored car with a guard, go buy the clock, hurriedly place clock in briefcase handcuffed to guards arm. Exit with a purpose, police escort would be a nice bonus. Purchase airtime on local TV stations, host an "auction" for the clock with nothing but shills bidding. "Sell" the clock for 2 million dollars. Get on local news for finding this bargain treasure worth 2 million for only $1500. Somehow secretly return the clock to the previous owner, watch them make a bigger fool of themself as they try to sell it for 2 million.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i like it

        also i take a 2 mil tax writeoff as a parton of the arts

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    • SkullsNRoses

      You have been on Craigslist every day for a decade?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        no but i periodically search for sale in a small radius around my area

        i can scroll thru and see the obsessive reposts

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  • Sanara

    If I were to sell something used I would lower the price compared to the same item in the store. It naturally loses some of its value and you can't expect a used item to be exactly the same quality

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  • Meowypowers

    People amways get cheap from walmart and sell at goodwill and then buy again

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Maybe they expect the buyers to haggle down?

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