Is it normal people so afraid of getting older?

I noticed people start to look like they lost collagen in their faces when they hit age 26. They go nuts and buy all these products that don't work. What's the point? We're all going to get wrinkly and old looking in the end anyway.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • kikilizzo

    As a woman all I can say is we have a high pressure on us to stay young-looking for as long as possible. Men have it easier, they don't have to be fashionable or look young forever. I think natural aging is beautiful and there's some pretty hot older women, but a big reason they're so attractive is that they are confident about aging and not stressing about it which in turn ages you better... I have similar fears but working on it. Hopefully one has enough of a good life and personality by 30 that there is no point putting energy into stressing about something as vain as looks and worry about the natural process of aging.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Humans are incredibly vain creatures. The only way to fix that is for everyone to collectively decide to stop judging others for their physical appearance. (Which we all know is never going to happen.) Signs of aging are typically regarded as being unattractive traits. Stretch marks, weight gain, wrinkles, greying hairs, hair loss...all things that people will and have turned people down for.

    With that being said, not all of the products you see are scams. The vast majority of them are, however, and people really need to start researching beauty products and the science behind them more.

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  • Ligeia

    We're all going to die anyway so what's the point of living?
    That's the logic you're using here.

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    • Grunewald

      It is, if the point is that you might as well die as have a wrinkly face.

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      • Ligeia

        What I'm saying is that just because something is inevitable, doesn't mean we shouldn't prevent it. Obviously we all feel better without wrinkly skin, so if you can prolong the years that you have with smooth skin, why wouldn't you? OP says products "don't work" but hell, you don't have to buy specialized products if you don't want to, preventing wrinkly skin is simple as moisturizing, wearing sunscreen, drinking water...what's wrong with doing noninvasive things to upgrade your appearance if it makes you happy? It's literally like 5 minutes or less out of your day, that's hardly a horrible waste of time.

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  • PhillipLoco11

    Getting old Sucks.

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  • Meowypowers

    I try to look my best as I age. If i can afford to-lift tuck and fill, I will

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  • notmyrealname123

    uhh no its cause im going to get dementia and forget my kids and everyone i love and wet my bed and need to be carried to even use a toilet and not have the energy to do anything that i like.

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    • notmyrealname123

      stuck in a chair watching TV for years being the only thing that you can do until your eventual death; who wants that reality?

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