Is it normal random rashes on my body
Two months ago I got a red rash all over my stomach, chest and back but it didnt itch or burn or anything it just sat there. Almost looked like petechiae and I did the "glass test" so some of it was.
Now for this week the backs of my hands have felt sore. I have never had a problem with dry hands my whole life but I disinfect my hands regularly throughout the day since the cold is going around several of my co-workers have it. I dont know if that would dry out my hands badly but I havent had that issue before and ive used a lot of hand disinfectant since 2020. Today though my hands are worse and when I used disinfectant in the evening it burned really bad. It also burned in the afternoon when I put on hand lotion because my hands were so sore. Then when I went to brush my teeth I noticed the backs of my hands have lots of flat red dots like a rash. It looks a lot like the rash I had on my stomach and back 2 months ago except that rash didnt cause any discomfort so it may not be the same thing but it looks the same. I would say the sensation of my hands are that they are really dry to the point of burning soreness but when I touch my hands I dont think they feel terribly dry and I dont see any cracks... Something that has been strange about my hands before this happened is ive had tiny marks which look like little scrape marks or scratches but I havent hurt myself and the scratches do not hurt either. It hasnt for example hurt to use hand disinfectant until now when the dots appeared. I did scrape my finger weeks ago though and it still hasnt healed fully even though it was a shallow scrape. Thats very strange.
Before all this happened I had an infection on my eyelids twice 3 months ago, or something. All I know is my eyelids got all red and itchy for one week at a time and it was very annoying.