Is it normal run up the basement stairs bc might be a monster after you?
Even though I'm an adult I some times get a creepy feeling that a monster is behind me when I run up the stairs from an unlit basement.
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Even though I'm an adult I some times get a creepy feeling that a monster is behind me when I run up the stairs from an unlit basement.
Why the hell is this such a universal phenomena? Why is it that every basement, no matter how furnished, becomes a cave with a creature lurking in it when the lights go out? And why is it that there is some invisible wall between the top of the stairs and the rest of the house that everyone can pass through but the monster?
I do this all the time to, especially when I'm the only one awake in my house in the dark. lol
I hate going downstairs in the night. With the basement, I do my best to avoid it, but sometimes I can't. When I go down there, I grab my stuff and sing as loud as I can. I can't stop looking over my shoulder and I keep hearing all of these sounds!!!! As soon as I get my stuff I start running. I
If I drop something then it's just going to have to stay on the ground. I don't stop running until I get all the way upstairs. By the time I do, I'm in pain, my hearts pounding and I'm breathing heavily.
I try to avoid going downstairs I night, I get so paranoid. The windows don't have curtains on them and I can see nothing but darkness and dark shapes blowing in the wind. It freaks me out and makes my heart pound!
omg like every minut of everyday i look all around my because im super parinoid lol
I get this exact feeling whenever im going up stairs in general. It just happened to me and my entire family is home and all the lights are on. Its definitely paranoia or anxiety or a weird phobia, apparently it's quite common
Basements are very scary places. I've always had a fear for them. Except when I do my laundry. Then I have no choice.
Darkness can trigger fears even when you are not thinking about them. All the fables and tales of darkness and monsters causes this.
I myself do NOT like basements at all. In fact my old basement I believe was haunted. I have pictures from my 9th birthday or whatever and I captured a spirit on film.
I Do This Alllllll The Time. I Also Get Freaked Out When I Have To Close My Eyes When I'm Shampooing In The Shower. =P
I do that ALL the time! So normal! I always feel like there are presences behind me..
When I was a child I was afraid of the front door windows. I felt they looked like eyes.
When I was around 18 or 19 I still had that nagging fear... until one day I looked at the door and suddenly felt as if the door was laughing at me.
Obviously it was just a door... but imagining that it was just laughing at me, as if it was amused that it could still scare me... that was the turning point. I wasn't afraid of it since.
Try that. Look at your basement as if it's laughing its ass off at you for being scared. It may help.