Is it normal she always stares at her
My sister is dating this guy and this guy has a best friend who's has a gf
His gf always stares at my sister but not in a mean way. Any ideas why she stares all the time?
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My sister is dating this guy and this guy has a best friend who's has a gf
His gf always stares at my sister but not in a mean way. Any ideas why she stares all the time?
Sizing up her competition. Women do that. I had my gf meet my hot, petite business associate once, due to timing and not planning, and saw them both giving each other dirty looks and sizing each other up. Girlfriend knew how much time I spent on the road with the hot associate, knew she was a "pretty girl" (and she was), and associate knew a lot about my gf from my telling her.
It was as if my gf was putting out the signal "Stay away from my man, pretty girl", and associate was putting out her signal of "I know things about you and will use it".
Odd, you must be good looking if you say they are "hot" but given your off this site I'd think not
They are both hot and beautiful. Guys go to them both, to the point that even one of my guy friends from the sports bar I go to, has basically hit on my gf, pissing me off one night and he apologized. As for my now-former associate, we were involved in property inspections and the like, and I can't tell you how many guy clients, business contacts, and members of our business group I had to keep from harassing her, by her own request.
We had one homeowner who, when we were about to check out a crawlspace in a finished basement, told me he wanted her to go first, then him, so he could "get his face as close to her perfect little ass" as possible. Guy nudged me, doing the guy thing, and I told her..Go call our next one in the car, I'll do this one. I wanted to get her away from him. That was only one occasion where guys made advances on her. So, yes, she was hot and beautiful.
I forgot, all you pig headed men find anything that moves attractive. Also, most you men are dumb af, majority of women who you think are attractive have make up on and are not anything amazing with out it
Excuse me? Sexism much. I for one becomes friends with multiple girls and only asks out the friendliest or one that suits me most. I don't care what's on their faces or what size boobs or whatever they have. And most girls people say are "hot" I reply with "can't you see you're being brainwashed?" Maybe you should tone down what you just said a little?
Probably constantly comparing herself to her and sees her as a rival? I remember three co-workers told me a few females did that to me and I was too dense to notice. I'm kind of glad I didn't. XD
Dont you have to be pretty attractive to make others jealous though, no offense? I am average and I doubt I'd make others jealous
Apparantly I was their imaginary enemy because they're younger than me yet they look older than I do. Also, customers would always like how positive, bouncy, and helpful I was. They always spent their free time complaing about the job and just sucking the positivity out of the room. I don't consider myself sexy at all, btw. XD
I see, I think that's pretty sad, I also thought majority were bi so what's up with the insecurity
As far as I know a majority of women aren't bi. Most women I know aren't turned on by the thought of being with another female. They only date guys and make families with said guys.
From my experience, women like to compete with each other over petty things like who makes more money, who's skinnier, who's the best mommy, what they're wearing, men, etc. I choose not to compete with these people, yet they seem to like bothering me for some reason. I don't understand why they're like this. We should all just be getting along despite our differences.
She’s assesing her prey, trying to find out if she should/could/would....
Maybe she wanna be friends with her, but doesn't know how to approach her.