Is it normal she randomly didn't want to know me anymore? :(
I met someone at work and we became friends sort of. She was one of the very few I liked actually as the rest were assholes!! To cut a long story short, we both ended up quiting that awful job at different times. I decided I wanted to become friends outside of work as I don't have many. We hung out twice but prior to that she initially added me on Facebook and we spoke all the time. Actually I was the one that would always message something, like something funny or work gossip and we would continue to talk for aaages ! I always offered/invited her to hang out maybe every 2 weeks or more I'd ask. After the second time, she got a bit weird and seemed distant and made an excuse not to hang. After not replying to me for over a good 2 weeks, I demanded that she at least tell me why we're not friends anymore (as I assumed). She said sorry for taking so long and that she doesn't feel a connection in our personalities etc! Was quite long what she wrote. However I don't get it!! Her bf said to me when I first met him that he'd heard a lot about me. It sounded cherry so I'm pretty certain that was a good thing. Was I too annoying? Too over the top ? Did I scare her away by always inviting her to hang ? :(
I was really hurt