Is it normal short people have “short privilege”
We always hear people bemoaning their short stature but I have come to believe that being unusually short (say 4+ inches below average) unlocks its own set of advantages or “short privilege” if you will. Let me explain.
More outrageous and devious behaviour by them is allowed, playing pranks and winding people up with jokes seems funnier and less malicious when done by short people. Perhaps because people subconsciously code small people as less of a threat?
On top of the trickster behaviour behaving like a general lunatic is also far less frowned upon. Wearing out landish clothing doesn’t seem so bad on a short person. Physically diving into sale bins is excusable. Enthusiastic dancing doesn’t look so ridiculous. Having an odd manner and being a “character” is almost expected.
Finally short people can get away with immoral stuff thanks to being below eye-level and innocent looking. Cutting queues, shop lifting, hiding on trains when you didn’t buy a ticket and taking excessive amounts of free samples is much easier at 4”10 than 6”.
Basically short people can get away with things due to the automatic assumptions that they are harmless and quirky coupled with their natural ability to slip under the radar. Of course there are also disadvantages to being small and not all short people tap into their “short privilege” but it exists nonetheless.
Tell me your thoughts on short privilege and comment your height, I want to know who’s speaking from what perspective (I’m a 5”7 girl).