Is it normal some places over-ask for houses in the slums?
So I live in a run down neighborhood, of course most of this city is "the bad neighborhood". Anyways some weird guy bought the enpty lot next to mine and had a house built, for which he is asking over $300K. Thing is, the house isn't worth that, especially on this shit hole street.
I was looking on a site that had the house listed and they had some other similar houses (also in squat-hole neighborhoods) for 3 to 400K.
Now around here, there are neighboring cities that really ARE nice places to live that have comparable houses for less money.
So it is like the choice is - buy a brand new house in a run-down slum OR buy an older house in a NICE neighborhood for less money.
Of course the ones trying to sell new house in slums are using the fact that it is close to down town as a selling point.
Still though, WHY would someone buy a house in the slums for a fortune? Is it THAT important to be close to downtown? I thought people with money would prefer the relatively peaceful suburbs instead of the "excitement" of downtown.
So what gives?