Is it normal someone did this

Me and my ex/former best friend broke contact unfortunately 3 years ago soon. Well I still follow him on one social media.I was just casually looking at his page and came across this one picture he took on one of our trips 5 years ago and under it was a comment from 2 years ago made by someone with my exact name and its not my account! I have one already, I follow him on it and if I wanted to comment on his page a YEAR after we stopped being in touch I would've done it from my account! And its very suspicious, an empty account no followers not following anyone and no photos...And "by chance" on a picture he took on OUR trip!... How weird and creepy is that?! I mean hes a massive loner, he has that Idontneedanybody-mindset (me having been the exception) so who would even do that I mean im kind of a loner too and dont know anyone who would care to impersonate me to comment on his page and definietely I dont know anyone who would even know that random picture was taken on our trip! I miss him sometimes and I could probably like on a pic of his but I dont plus he hasnt been active on that page in almost 2 years anyway. He hates social media

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Tommythecaty

    He did it....

    He’s just like the people who use secondary accounts to answer their own comments on here because nobody else cares.

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    • Why would he make a fake account in my name to comment on his own post 😅

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      • Tommythecaty

        Maybe to make it look like you give a shit for some sad reason. I mean it happens here, maybe he did the same...

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  • Grunewald

    Scammers sometimes set up fraudulent copycat accounts. It might be a scammer.

    Or it might have been you, and you just forgot. Trauma can have that effect.

    Click on the thumbnail of the 'fake you' suspect and investigate the account.

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    • I dont have trauma..🤔 I've tried to investigate I also asked my mom as she pranks on me like that sometimes but not her she even tried logging in with all her emails none was connected to that social media at all.

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