Is it normal someone posted this on their facebook? where is the logic here?

Someone posted as a Facebook status the other day saying this:
"If you eat meat, do not call yourself an animal lover."
Now, this made me extremely angry. I was infuriated. I have been an animal lover my ENTIRE life since I could walk, and I have taken care of SO many animals in my life, volunteered at animal shelters, have studied animal behavior and just animals IN GENERAL while I was growing up. AND...guess what? I eat meat! How could someone post something like this and think it's okay? How does something like this even make sense? I want opinions because this is ridiculous! Every person I have known that has helped animals SO MUCH in their lives eats meat except for one!

Just think about it...that's like saying: "I hate the dog I have owned for 7 years because I eat meat. I actually just have my dog just to have him/her.... for no reason. All because I eat meat."
Think about it LOL what do you all think??

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 66 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I don't like those kind of Extreme Vegans. I used to occasionally come across Extremist posts like that on Tumblr that had A LOT of notes. Reading them would make me so angry and stressed out. I'm a vegetarian that eats fish and dairy. Once on a blue moon, I'll eat some land meat. Does any of this mean that I hate animals? No, it most certainly doesn't!

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    • foxyk

      exactly!! :)

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  • q1w2e3

    Before people found out which vegetables can be eaten and grown, 1000+s of years back they just ate meat, water and bread. Try telling them to be vegetarian! They wouldn't survive. Basically it's a new fad. Don't bother

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  • FionnaCakeFan

    I love animals but then I'm a meat eater but I have dogs but I still eat meat. Wait. What about pet owners that eat meat. They most of the time don't butcher the pets. And anyway I creeped out of my dogs dying.

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  • dodongos

    I don't know how to answer the question, but yes, that statement was ridiculous.

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  • Living_Too_Late

    If the more militant vegetarians got their way and had us all banned from eating meat,, I wonder if they'd then demonstrate their love for steers, pigs, etc by keeping them as pets, cuz you can be sure agri-business wouldn't. I'm not about to pretend my conscience is entirely clear about my meat eating, but I'm not sure I'd feel any better if future generations had to travel to see rare examples of these animals in zoos. What's worse,, millions of lives abruptly curtailed, or no lives at all? Fucked if I know.

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  • hidden_in_the_shadows

    i love animals and i eat meat. its natural we are omnivores

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I can't say I disagree with their logic, in all honesty. However, Facebook and the internet in general is an open forum for expression. Many of my Facebook friends very openly express their opinions, from conservative Christian to staunch Atheist liberal and sometimes, they do get direct ("if you voted for this person, you hate freedom/women/fiscal responsibility"). There's really no need to get upset or offended. I know I don't hate women, I know I don't hate fiscal responsibility or gay people. That's really all I need to know.

    People think what they think and I don't take it personally. It kind of comes with the territory when you don't make a conscious effort to surround yourself with people who think like you.

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  • keef

    Obviously they're just trying to piss people off with their stupid beliefs or whatever you wanna call it. Just ignore them, they're not gonna stop. I know a person like that. It's definitely extremely annoying, but I've learned to just ignore it all.

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  • TareLee

    I don't know how to vote because I don't know the question. Is it normal to be mad? Or is their status normal?

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    • I was thinking the same thing. Yet another unclear question.

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  • Moonbow

    Anyone who has an Assbook account, or reads the garbage on Assbook is an idiot!

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  • willyma

    It's normal for vegans to sprout this bullshit out. On the TV Heather mills suggested that all the meat we consume is the reason for world poverty. Because the grain used to feeed cattle could be used for starving kids. WHAT BULLSHIT!! lol

    but anyaz it's normal these faggot leaf eaters say stupid shit like this, because they need to have a strong belif in thier cause in order t osupport it

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  • ratspaghetti

    well it's definitely not normal to get angry. Its important to identify an unintelligent, biased, and insignificant comment and then ignore it. And thus hardly anything upsets me anymore haha.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I have to agree with you. The two main companion animals people keep as pets: dogs and cats are carnivores. Dogs can be kinda omnivores but cats are straight up carnivores. There are some extreme animal rights people that believe there shouldn't be purebred dogs and cats and some don't believe in keeping pets at all. Basically many of these people are idiots! I love eating meat and I share scraps with my Siamese.

    I have an ex friend who was a very annoying vegetarian. Some of these people need to be pelted with rotten meat for not minding their own damn business! She was always giving unsolicited opinions about meat and talking about how much it grossed her out when other people were eating. I hate sanctimonious types who think everyone is entitled to their unpopular opinion. Also, she had a colostomy bag and would talk freely about it when she would have problems with it. No one ever complained because they felt sorry for her. But it's easy to hate a person who thinks meat is disgusting and then turns around and tells people on the phone about her colostomybag spilling everywhere. She was a psychic vampire; feeding off people's pity. Aw, bless her heart!

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    • foxyk

      lol damn she sounds annoying as hell. yeah, i basically agree with you. i just hate that someone could say people that eat meat are not animal really does not make sense. Just because I eat chicken and fish does not mean I hate animals or don't love them! HAHA it's a psycho thing to say or even to think. So many animal lovers including me have done so much for animals, and they eat meat. haha and like you said, you share with your Siamese. So, dogs and cats eat meat, does that mean they don't love us when we have them as pets? lolll

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      • RoseIsabella

        Some vegetarian/vegan types are über annoying and some are okay. I appreciate your response. That chick I wrote about had a Beagle that she kept on a really strict diet so she wouldn't get fat. The dog was always begging guests for food and she actually preferred the roommate to her owner. The chick didn't know a thing about how to train a dog either and the Beagle would pee in the middle of the floor when she got mad. It was sad and funny all at once but mostly just pathetic. My gosh my Siamese, Andrew, let me teach him some basic dog obedience. The one trick that dog knew she taught herself. She sits up and begs!

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  • Thexoutcast

    A status shouldn't infuriate you like that.

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