Is it normal someone stomped on a spider and my feelings changed for them?

an innocent creature minding it's own business, not in anyone's home either, and person just stomped on this poor thing! i can't kill a spider, it just seems so wrong, let it be! is it normal that this changed my perception of this person entirely and i don't even trust them as a friend, a human-being, etc. because they did this?

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59% Normal
Based on 68 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Short4Words

    The only way I can understand it, is if people feel the same way about spiders as I do about centipedes. They seriously disgust me. I NEVER kill bugs, yet I destroyed a centipede with a mallet. It's the way it looks, it looks disease infested and parasitic and I think those two things combined make me fearful of them. I started thinking that I should let them be, but then I realized that some are poisonous. And I have pets.

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  • loopoo

    I am terrified of spiders, but when it comes to them, i'd rather my parents put it outside rather than killing it.

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  • sissycakes

    I feel bad for bugs and spiders too. We should join a club.

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  • Ebil_Lightbulb

    I will kill a spider if it crosses the line. I will move away from them and avoid them, and even verbally tell them to please go about their business. I even let cellar spiders live in my shower. But if they jump on me or run at me, I feel threatened and will kill them if I can't get away. But a friend the other day crossed the line. I hopped in the shower and all my spide friends were gone! I asked him what happened since he was just in there and he said he killed them all. I got mad and he reached up with his lighter and burnt one that lives on my shelf. I told him to get the hell out of my house!

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  • Francophile22

    I've killed several black widows and even a violin spider. One of them I killed with my bare hands.

    Some creatures are a threat and need to be destroyed.

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  • FruitcakeinaTiffanybox

    I have a live and let live motto so yes I would judge someone if they felt the need to kill something so small and defenseless. Of course if it's actually posing a threat that's another story but 99.9% it's not the case.

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  • NeonLighterz

    HAHA oh my this is funny, but I feel the same.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    i like spiders and they like me

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  • i cant either ew, but cupping it in bare hands to take it outside is bad too

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  • dirtybirdy

    Well I can not kill them and I hate when someone else does. I leave it alone or put it outside and wish it well :) and crickets for fucks sake?!?! A few people I know go buck wild when they see a cricket and smash the ever lovin crap out of it, legs strewn about. Seriously??!!?!?! A cricket?!?!?! That bugs meeeee ;)

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    • imagirldealwithit123

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  • howaminotmyself

    I usually don't kill insects or spiders if I can avoid it. Except for ants. Ants sometimes get out of control. However my neighbor loves ants and has studied them in depth. She made a really sad face when I was complaining about my ant problem. Now I feel bad killing ants.

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  • Maybe.

    If I saw someone do it, I'd probably chastise them but I don't know if it would change my feeling for them overall. Although, that would depend a lot on whether they appeared to get enjoyment from it or were just driven by fear.

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  • dappled

    I feel much the same way. I can understand people don't want insects near them but the insects don't understand that. Just move them yourself. I think my very first story on IIN was about the efforts I went to in order to get a spider out of my new place and how it kept coming back but I persisted in finding it a new home.

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    • You need a better critter-relocation programme.

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