Is it normal taking pills for period but don't want to?

I'll be blunt and say I'm a trans male (I was born with a vagina) and have never had a period in my life due to having polycestic ovarian syndrome.

I'm 18 at the moment and recently saw my doctor about it due to health concerns, and he prescribed me some pills that I have to take at the start of the month for 5 days and I'll have my period.

I've been taking them for around 3 days and I've been getting a sort of period (no blood, it's mainly like uterus lining and stuff)

I thought I was going to be okay with it but today I had a breakdown in the shower and was crying because I don't want to be more like a female than I already am. I don't know how to describe it but I feel hopeless, I'm trapped in this body and the thought of killing myself was on my mind today.

I know I might sound stupid but I can't help it, I was totally comfortable with my body until now and it's hurting me bad. I can't stop the pills and stop my period because eventually it'll lead to cysts in my uterus or uterus cancer.

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36% Normal
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Comments ( 11 )
  • yingvsyang

    You should try talking to someone about your feelings ,because to me physical health is more important in some aspect and in your case its bather to be safe if you have that kind of problem.Talking will just help you remove mental strain but its all up to you, YOU HAVE TO STAY STRONG.I think for you its just strange to have period after so long time without having it in the first place. And you are not less manly with this situation, your personality is what maters and if you feel like a male you feel like male,no period is going to change that.

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    • Thank you so much, this made me smile haha. My parents aren't really open about the whole thing so I can't really talk to them, though I have a close friend who is also transgender, so we support each other :)

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  • nopeity_derp

    This is a very difficult situation as taking the pill is negatively affecting your mental health whilst not taking it would affect your physical health. Is it possible that you could take the pill less regularly (say 3 times a year?) which would be better than not taking it at all as you still remove the lining and its not a guarantee that you will even get cancer. What is inevitable however is if you keep taking the pill you will have bad mental health and therefore bad well being and in my opinion is worse than taking the chance and hoping that you dont get cancer.
    Also you could look at surgery maybe? Not sure what surgery but im sure there would be something, no harm asking your doctor for alternative options.

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    • Yeah, when I think about it it's a pretty messed up situation, lol.

      My doctor told me that I don't have to take the pills every month if I don't want a period that time, so if I wanted to stop my period for maybe three months I can just stop and start taking the pills again after. I do have to take them for a few months in a row right now though since it's only beginning.

      Idk man, it's just the feeling and the thought I'm bleeding down there just feels so weird and unnatural to me, it kind of freaks me out whenever I see it to be honest.

      I've been looking for surgery where they could remove my ovaries and uterus which would stop my periods entirely, but then I'll have to go through menopause at 18 :/

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  • mysistersshadow

    Why do you have to take the pills?

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    • Because if I don't there's a high chance of developing uterus cancer the longer I go without a period

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      • mysistersshadow

        Are you going to have that plumbing removed?

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        • You mean my uterus/ovaries? I'm not sure yet because it sounds risky, my mum recently had a hysterectomy and she's been in so much pain that it's kind of turned me off, lol.

          I definitely want to get top surgery though when I can save up enough money to have it, though I'm still deciding about removing my uterus or not. Idk if I'll even be able to get a doctor to do it for me, because my mum has been struggling with ovarian syndrome and cysts for decades, and they've only just decided to let her get a hysterectomy.

          They'll probably make up excuses that I'm to young or I haven't had a kid yet :/ (which I honestly never want to give birth to a child)

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          • CushieSandy

            What sounds risky to me, is taking pills that make you contemplate ending your life because they make you feel so awful. Yes, surgery has risks, but the risks are lower at your age and they are performed so frequently that if you're going to categorize risk of surgeries it would be a lower risk surgery. I say take the darn thing out ASAP! You can go off those horrid pills, and be cured of PCOS with the risk of uterine or ovarian cancer completed annihilated (which will also be a huge worry off your mind)

            In these cases you need to weigh the pros and cons and in your case, if it were ME, it's a no brainer. I vote for surgery to remove the female sex organs.

            Whatever you decide, call your doctor ASAP and tell them what these pills are doing to you physically AND mentally. Believe it or not, different brands of the same type of medicine have completely different risks and side effects. This pill may not be right for you while another may give you ZERO side effects.

            As for the pain of cramps...I'm sorry. They're a fact of life for a lot of women. I have endometriosis, ovarian cysts (one just burst in June) and my periods were so painful that they put me on birth control so I'd only get my period once every 4 months (it's actually completely safe I did it until I was 35 then had to stop because I smoke). The ONLY thing that works for my cramps is a combo of ibuprophen and Percocet. THATS IT. Without those medicines I'm in a ball in bed unable to function for 1-3 days and I'm exhausted from blood loss because of the endometriosis (my iron tanks each month).

            So definitely call your doctor about the meds and definitely think surgery over, talk with your parents and doctor about it. Again, based on what you've said, how you're feeling and what you're going through, I really think surgery is your best and safest option.

            Sorry this was sooooo long good luck!

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          • mysistersshadow

            If your planning to transition it seems like that would be a part of the procedure.

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            • It usually depends on the person, like I know a friend who just wants to get top surgery and be on T but he doesn't want to mess around with his uterus/bottom part.

              I'm still thinkin about it though, getting bottom surgery is usually more difficult to do though since in most countries/states it's not considered a requirement to do it and is left up to if the person wants to go through with it or not. I know in some countries you have to get surgery to alter your genitals to be officially
              labelled as your correct gender but that's different from getting your uterus removed :p

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