Is it normal that a blue dot appears at my left side every once in a while ?

I swim a lot since a couple of years and this dot just recently started to show up at the left side of my vision every once in a while.

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22% Normal
Based on 9 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • ellnell

    It's the demon waiting to attack you

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  • Ive had that before on my left peripheral. It only happened twice and I could never find an explanation for it.

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    • mohaynes

      Good to know I'm not the only one !

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  • TheUsualSuspect

    Is it associated with a certain sense? It might be some form of visual synesthesia, or otherwise it could be something physiological, and you might wanna take a look with a doctor. How long has this been going on? Is the blue dot only there when you swim?

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    • mohaynes

      As far as I know it appears out of nowhere, not frequently though,
      is not associated with a feeling or a sense, is happening for some
      months by now, started after swimming and does also show up when I do not swim for a while. Do you have any explanation for this ?

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