Is it normal that at 23 i think i am too old to dye my hair purple?

Or really any color that's not a natural hair color? Also, I don't mean my whole head, but something like a peekaboo or ombre. People say I am still young, but I feel like I'm too old, now. Why do I feel this way? Do I have reason to? Am I really too old?
What's ironic, is I argue against things like ageism, and say things like "age is just a number," but when it comes to me, I see age as a big deal. It's been that way since around the time I turned 20. Is this way of thinking normal?

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49% Normal
Based on 59 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Tealights

    You're never too old to express yourself.

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  • Ellenna

    It's OK for anyone of any age to dye their hair any colour they choose: for goodness sake, stop worrying about your age at 23! I dye my hair when I feel like it, and I'm 69, but wish I were 23 again ....

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    • I don't know why age has become such a big issue for me lately. I know social norms says 23 is young, but for me I feel old. I feel like I can no longer get the piercings or hair color I want. What the hell?

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  • DuHast

    It's only really when you get older, that you realise how young you actually were.
    I remember thinking 26 was really old when I was 23, which is just crazy. You're definitely not too old, anyway. But it's probably normal to feel "old", it's just a waste of time that's all.

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    • It's funny though because when I am thinking of others, I almost always think they're not too old. I mean even 50 doesn't sound too old when it comes to other people. But when it comes to my age, ever since I turned 20, I have felt old. It's weird.

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      • DuHast

        Yeah, that is a bit weird. Then again, like - lots of things seem very different in other people, then they do in yourself, if you know what I mean. Like, I apply lots of things to other people, but when it comes to myself - I've got a completely different standard.
        Maybe it's something like that? Or maybe not..

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        • Yea, that does make sense. I just don't understand why I do it, though. Lol.

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          • DuHast

            At least you're erring on the right side of the fence, like - it's probly better to be too responsible and mature, than to go the other way and actually be old but still think you're really young....? ha Maybe..

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  • (s)aint

    I´m turning 25. I do whatever I want with my own body and appearance. But if it´s permanent things I force myself to carefully consider it.

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  • lordofopinions

    Go for it. I love women with tri-dyed and other colored hair styles.

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  • andreth

    These things are a matter of mindset. when I was 14 I decided I'm to old to wear pink anymore. I Wouldn't dye my hair at all, never had a tatoo, not even a temporary one. They had to convince me to even pierce my ears. Never wore anything remotely too short or too tight. It was in my character, not my age.

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  • randypete

    you crack on mate do not worry about age

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  • Ta2ed4u

    You are still practically a teenager. This is not an insult but is meant to show your age...I bet you live at home still and wouldn't even know how to take care of yourself on your own.
    I'm saying this because my son is 25 and he would be lost without me.
    That means you are still a kid.

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  • randypete

    You're never too old to be yourself enjoy

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  • Terence_the_viking

    You think 23 is old?

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  • ........

    It's just a stage your doing through. I think
    you fear growing too old and that can happen to all of us heck
    there are older women in their 50's collect Barbie dolls.

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  • _Jesus_

    At least you have hair. There are starving children in Japan who are forced to cut off all their hair so that black women can buy it.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Do whatever you want who cares what ppl think?

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  • Dreamsao

    Im 23 with cherry red hair. Go for it.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Oh please. I'm a bakers dozen years older and I still do it.

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