Is it normal that at night barely sleep and i hear people whispering+footsteps

Please tell me if it's normal
And if you could tell me why this is happening i would be really thankful

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 61 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Overactive imagination. play soft music to help you sleep

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  • Avant-Garde


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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Try sleeping with the tv on. That is how I have to sleep a lot of times.

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  • Bmac17

    This isn't normal, but at the same time not bad. You may be sensitive to spirit, I suggest meditating every other night, you may pick up a conversation.

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  • blossom519

    ghoust busters

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  • Dmkjl

    It could be the paranormal you may be hearing people from the past just doing their regular thing while your trying to sleep

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  • mrsxsalvatore

    This happens to me all the time! It's usually because of over-active imaginations, and if you're in a jumpy move then the tiniest noise can set you off. Although, I can only speak from my own experience so I can't speak for you. If you are worried about ghosts making the noise then if you have a pet, their reactions can tell you a lot about whether you are safe or not. If you have a ghost, cats and dogs easily pick up for it so just watch out for the way they act.

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  • Dontyoudare

    Yeah, it's normal! It's just auditory hallucination which is remarkably common, particularly at night when it's dark and your sense of sight is deprived! Don't worry about it, it's nothing creepy :) !

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    You are letting your imagination get the best of you while you are laying in the dark!

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  • coldturkey

    No it's surely not normal, consult a shrink.

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  • DolphinAngel

    2 advices:

    1. Quit smoking weed, shrooms or whatever

    and 2. Start drinking alcohol!

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