Is it normal that atheism really annoys me

Okay so i'm Mormon, and the whole atheism thing kind of annoys, irritates, and confuses me. Maybe its because I was raised Mormon, but I just don't get it. Now I don't want everyone to persuade me out of my religion but I am just curious. Why do atheists believe there is no God what is there proof.

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33% Normal
Based on 107 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 40 )
  • Incomplet

    Theists are making the assertion that there is a god. The burden of proof is not for the atheists.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Some atheists are jerks and some are cool people, and the same can be said for people of faith. It seems to be counter productive and a waste of time to be overly concerned with what other people do or don't believe. Regardless, you'll have more peace and serenity in your life if you accept that you're powerless over the thoughts, beliefs and emotions of others.

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    • Saycheese

      I like your comment! :)

      The truth is you'll never know what actually exists out there or not, until death, and maybe not even then. It's more mind-boggling when you think about it.

      From what I see anymore, I am starting to believe more towards what the Buddhists believe. I believe that God is within you and you have to find him within yourself to be free and happy. Though some of what they believe I don't know what to believe, it seems odd.

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  • ilovetoiletrolls

    I'm an Atheist because I believe in science over fairytale.

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  • anti-hero

    Mormonism is only slightly less silly that Scientology and slightly less evil than Islam. I'm sorry you were brainwashed from birth but at some point you have to question things.

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  • Its funny because there is no proof either way. You cannot prove god exists and cannot disprove that a god doesn't exist either. Religion is childish.

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  • RapidlyRotatingPanda

    Mormonism exists because Joseph Smith Jr on September the 22nd 1823, said he found some "golden plates".
    In September 1827 he brought them home, told everyone that angels had forbidden anyone but him from seeing them, and wrote into a book, (the book of mormon) his translations of the "reformed Egyptian" that was written on the plates. He then told everyone, that he had given the plates to some angels who took them away so now nobody can ever see them again.

    He then formed a religion based on the book he wrote.

    You see why people are sceptical yet?

    (He also later wrote down some of the "reformed Egyptian" and it is a language that has never existed, and had no repeating characters. aka he definitely made it up.)

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    • WhatHasThisWorldComeTo

      I am sorry but I just don't see how a boy that never went to school could write a book like the book of mormon

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      • TheShyGirlFromWork

        You're right. If he did go to school, he would have been educated in the periodic table... and that Gold is heavy. Therefore, he would have Known that the Gold tablets he "found" in his back yard would have weight about 500 LBS (Impossible for him to carry, or even lift), which would have caused him to not write them into the Book that you consider "Truth". SO, it does make perfect sense that an uneducated person would write (and believe) such a story.

        Question: Have you ever done research on how the Mormon religion (or any religion) got started? If you seek the real truth... you'll become a skeptic... and then read your "Book"... and either be agnostic or atheist.

        You are SO Indoctrinated. Take a look at your God/Book/Truth... a good close look...

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      • RapidlyRotatingPanda

        Well before the plates thing he was very interested in religions, he went to church and he read the bible. I assume being able to read the bible implies he can read and presumably also write, furthermore;

        "The Book of Mormon contains many linguistic similarities to the King James Bible. In some cases, entire passages are duplicated in the Book of Mormon.

        Other significant connections between the two books include Book of Mormon words and phrases that only appear in their KJV usage, perpetuation of Bible passages considered by some scholars to have been mistranslated in the King James Version..."

        So from that evidence I would say it is safe to assume he could read and write, and also that he just copied lots of the King James Bible.

        I mean it could also be one enormous coincidence, but having even copied some of the mistranslated sections of the KJV bible, I think it's pretty clear it was plagiarism.

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  • Holzman_67

    please for gods sake exercise tolerance

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  • You mean a moron?

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    • Tommythecat.

      Damn it you fucking beat me to it!

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    • WhatHasThisWorldComeTo

      Ya no I am pretty sure I meant MORMON but what ever hater are gonna hate

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      • kelili

        You won't find your answer here so just live and let live. Believers won't understand non-believers and vice-versa. I am a believer too and I have long learned that IIN is not the place to talk about religion. You'll just get harsh, nasty comments from non-believers and those who believe would be too scared to comment.

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    • WhatHasThisWorldComeTo

      Here is my deal being raised the way I was, I guess, everything I see makes me believe there is a God, I just want to know how they (an atheist) can see it too and not believe the same thing

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      • Ok let me break it down. You were programmed by Mormonism. It altered your perception or model of your world. We all have our own unique model of how we view the world it helps us make sence of the world. Beliefs were formed by experiences. A belief is something that feels real.

        Someone making a statement "God is real" gets accepted or rejected. If accepted it alters your model regardless if its real or not. You accept everything you see that conforms to your beliefs everything that goes against them get filtered or blocked out. Your beliefs are "God exists" "Mormonism is the truth" An atheist was programmed to believe god doesnt exist there model is on beliefs that "God doesnt exist" "Religion is bullshit"

        The difference is atheists and scientists demand evidence or they refuse to believe it. Religious people rely on blind faith they take a guess it exists because someone told them this is how things are. You cant disprove if something exists. But you can prove if something does exist. Where is proof that the mormon god exists?

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        • NotHumanAtAll

          Perfectly worded.

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      • VirgilManly

        You "believe" there is a God.
        You do not know there is a God.
        Hence the term "Faith".
        It doesn't take faith to know something that is provable.

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  • LizardSkin

    The problem isn't an individual's beliefs it's the arrogance of some to attempt to force their beliefs on others and the notion that their opinion is factual.

    Atheists are as guilty as anybody. They love to antagonize theists.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I don't think this is normal, no.

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  • perfectxsilence

    Not normal.

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  • I am not religious nor am I quite an atheist either because I do have spiritual beliefs that I have come up with on my own. My spiritual beliefs are scientifically logical but have yet to be proven and are only based off my own perception which is all I can possibly know.

    In life each person has a unique experience from everyone else and they can either choose to believe based off their experiences or blindly follow others beliefs. I think people who do the latter are naïve and usually not intelligent to have their own ideas.

    Between religion and atheism, atheism makes more sense if someone has not had any experience that makes them think otherwise. If somebody has never experienced something that hasn't been explained by science, why should they think otherwise? It would make no sense to.

    Your post was so ridiculous that I cannot tell if you are trolling, but I know some people actually think this way.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Quite simply, if there is a god then it is a horrible and hateful thing.
    How could a "loving and caring" god allow all the terrible things that are happening on ts planet to continue? Children slaughtered, abused (some by god's priests no less), used as soldiers (again, many by god's priests) and allowed to die from painful and horrific diseases. If this god is all powerful, then why doesn't it, at the very least, protect the innocent?
    What "loving and caring" god would create a disease like Ebola, in a place where it will kill so many who have harmed no one, any yet the monsters of the world seem to survive to abuse children, slaughter thousands of innocents or create financial havoc. No, I prefer to believe that there is no god, rather than believe that god is such a despicable thing.

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  • LeatherStand

    Honestly, I am an atheist myself. There is no legit proof of any god. I was raised around Christians my entire life, but I always pointed out the flaws in every religion piece that was pushed upon me. I know that the Bible is filled with millions of hypocritical flaws.

    Anyways, even though I believe each and every religion is bullshit, I still try to be tolerant of most religious people. I still believe "respect those who respect you," which means I will try to respect any religious person. The thing is, religious people aren't the same.

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  • iEatZombies_

    I'll give some insight as to how I see God, while I'm here. I am an incredibly small spec in the universe and God is the universe. Not a being, not a personality, but the universe. I should rephrase. The universe is God. I'm a spec in a galaxy, which is a spec in the universe, which is God. Atoms are the secret to understanding God. Not the God we imagine, but the proof of something intelligent that gives orders and communicates within all of us. Atoms leap and bounce. I think they jump between us and help us communicate certain things.

    I'll post more later. I'm getting tired and I'm not going to make any sense. I feel I'm already starting not to.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Athiesm isn't necessarily the rejection of God. To be as correct as I can be here, Athiesm is more about rejecting theories of God and taking in foolproof evidence. If you could show an Athiest scientific evidence of God, they would accept that God does exist. It isn't about throwing God away, it's about accepting the reality that the God(s) that most people believe in aren't proven to exist. So, Athiests can believe God exists, but certainly not the way other religions say he/she/it does. Therefore, Athiests believe that the mythical, decision-making God with an almost human personality definitely does not exist. A more scientific approach to the defintion of God would at least be debatable to an Athiest. They don't accept God as a spiritual feeling, however.

    Please note: I'm not an Athiest.

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    • iEatZombies_

      I spelled Atheist wrong every single time in this post.
      I have got to stop coming on at 2-3am.

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  • clevelandashkenaziatheist

    It's the scientific method. Theists make a claim that a god exists. They have no evidence. Therefore I reject their claim.

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  • CourtneyIrene

    I'm also a Christian, but do we have anymore solid proof than they do?
    Just worry about what you believe.

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  • ScooterNyne

    True atheists do not claim what they can not prove. They admit that there is no way to prove or disprove god so they choose not to lie to other people. They also usually put their faith in science as it is a much more reasonable way, to them, of finding the answers that we all crave.

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    • clevelandashkenaziatheist

      There is also no need to disprove god, just a need by the believer to prove it, as a claim they are making. It's the default position.

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  • Riddler

    We don't really have proof either way so its silly to say either way is for sure. I think it makes more sense to say something is more or less probable but to say its 100 percent when you don't really have anything proving that is ignorance.

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    • clevelandashkenaziatheist

      There is also no need to disprove god, just a need by the believer to prove it, as a claim they are making. It's the default position.

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  • loopoo

    No proof that god doesn't exist huh? What proof is there that he does?

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  • dom180

    It depends on the atheist. Find some people who are atheists, and talk to them.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I used to be an athirst too... I ended up converting. Stating a belief is one thing. That is all right. It draws a line, when you have someone forcing their beliefs onto others. Stating that your views are 100% correct and that anything opposite of those views are incorrect, is out of line. This is why I have a problem militant atheists. They are just as bad as the religious folk, they strive so hard to bash.

    Science has yet to proven everything, so how can they claim these things as being the true path? Everyone follows their own path. They have the right, so let them.

    I can see why these words may hurt you so, but you must let them go. Don't let them get to you and destroy your faith. Keep living your life the way you want to. :)

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    • Who_Fan4Life

      Well science is certainly a LOT more certain about origins than life than some silly story told in the desert!

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  • Light-Yagami

    There's been a lot of scientific research on evolution, the formation of the solar system etc. and based on this research, evolution is considered fact by many scientists. With religion, the only "evidence" is a 2000 year old book. I'm not dissing religion and I 100% respect your beliefs but this is why people are atheist.

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    • WhatHasThisWorldComeTo

      thank you this is the kind of answer I was looking for respectful and informative

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