Is it normal that athiests and the like go out of their way to disapprove god?

I am a teenager that goes to highschool. As I enter the main lobby, there is a large cork board for the students to post whatever they feel like putting on there. Everyday, people walk by it, staring at some of the larger papers that fellow peers have taped or tacked onto the board. One that caught my eye is a large paper with the words 'GOD IS FAKE', that seems to have the most amount of responses, most of them positive. People in my school also occasionally yell anti-God slurs in the cafeteria.

This is offensive to me a lot. Whenever the principle says something about it on the inter-com, they just continue.

I am now angry typing this up. Good bye...

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63% Normal
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Frosties

    Yes, I think it's disrespectful to treat another person's belief system as a way of ridiculing them. Atheists shouldn't be informed they are going to hell because they don't sign up to someone else's system, and atheists shouldn't belittle someone else's beliefs because they don't follow those beliefs themselves.

    We're entitled, as individuals, to believe what we believe. And we should let each other do exactly that. Without comment.

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    • nobleserpent

      "I think it's disrespectful to ridicule another persons beliefs"

      "If you take this view then you deserve to be ridiculed"


      So which is it? I might be Confused here but are people's viewpoints only valid until they disagree with yours?

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      • Frosties

        You chose the right angle of attack (if, of course, you want to attack people), but you came up with an insupportable conclusion.

        In A, I suggest that ridiculing someone's beliefs is disrespectful.

        In B, I suggested that someone's slant (on anti-gay propaganda, I note you failed to mention) might lead them to deserve to be ridiculed. You assume that meant by me. Given point A, you assume incorrectly. Even if you assumed correctly, the worst you can accuse me of is disrespect.

        From (possible) disrespect, you take a huge leap into questioning validity of viewpoints.

        If you're going to argue with logic, use logic. If you're going to snipe on the internet because you have issues of your own, don't pretend to be using logic unless you actually are using it.

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        • nobleserpent

          Woah woah woah! Why are you so Angered by this? Am I not allowed to ask Questions without You foamin?

          You said that we shouldn't ridicule people for their beliefs and I agree with that. But you also said that a belief that doesn't sit well with you -should- be ridiculed.

          I'm sorry but that sir is Hypocrisy.

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          • Frosties

            In A, I suggest that ridiculing someone's beliefs is disrespectful.

            In B, I suggested that someone's slant (on anti-gay propaganda, I note you failed to mention) might lead them to deserve to be ridiculed. You assume that meant by me. Given point A, you assume incorrectly. Even if you assumed correctly, the worst you can accuse me of is disrespect.

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            • nobleserpent

              Okay let me get this straight.

              You're saying that one instance where you say ridiculing beliefs is fine, and then another where you say ridiculing beliefs is -not- fine, is not being Hypocritical?

              Can you explain how that's not Hypocrisy?

              And if you can't understand what Logic is, you can't possibly understand how I'm Right.

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          • nobleserpent

            Also- how would you define "Logic"?

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  • Jweezee

    You know what i find offensive? That i'm told i will burn in eternal damnation for not conforming to a fictional belief system. That i am a "heathen" because i side with verifiable science rather than illogical speculation. That i don't have a sense of morality because i'm not in fear of the "afterlife." That i cannot live a meaningful life without servitude to "god." That natural disasters are due to people like me. That millions of seculars have been slaughtered in the name of righteousness. That offends me.

    But, just as i am making blanket generalizatiins of the religious, you are doing the same of atheist. I personally don't try to convert believers. In fact, i envy the sense of comfort so many seem to derive from religion. It would be inhuman to try and take that away. Tolerance is a two-way street.

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    • Best post I've seen in a long time!

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    • lc1988

      I dk why this got thumbed down. I like it!

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  • alv1592

    Normal that you're annoyed. Those people don't have to change their beliefs, but they do need to respect other people. You should have the right to file a complaint if you feel that someone has discriminated against a group of people.

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  • UngodlyPlatypus

    They have their own opinion and you should respect it. I believe in God, but I don't go ventilating on the internet if someone says gods fake, because really I could give two shits.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I noticed this too. It seems like everyone is trying to one up each other. I don't think the competition is necessary but they seem to think so. Not all atheists do this. I don't understand how alternative groups can dog Christians if they have become just as bad if not worse.

    Sure that nice Mormon fellow goes door to door trying to give you a bible. I don't think anyone ever came to my door saying "You will burn if you dont read this book!" Oh but wait an atheist will be so quick to crush someones belief in Jesus Christ. Does it fucking matter if Jesus exist? Why the fuck do you care? Are you going to fuck with the guy wearing a turban and tell his hat is funny. Maybe hes hindu you piece of shit. Leave his alone.

    What type of dickery is this? To all the pissed off atheists I hope a mother Mary statue accidentally falls on you during construction. I am sure everyone would be laughing at the irony of that headline. To all the Christians I believe in science it does not mean I said god was fake.

    I am sick of you fucking idiots and your hate war. If god is fake great. Now if its fake why do you feel such a need to disprove it? Lets say for a minute you are right does it mean you need to make someone feel like shit? No it doesn't.

    If you think santa is fake do you go to the mall and find the children and say "IT ISN'T REAL"! YOU FUCKING LITTLE MORONS! This is being a dick for the sake of being a dick. Most people would look at you in this instance and say "What a fucking prick". Yet somehow no one sees this as being a dick they believe its enlightening.

    If its not going to change anything why try and change it? Does it mean anything that someone prays before dinner and goes to church? Does not praying mean that you some how ended world hunger? Why not work on enlightening people about some real fucking issues.

    You know like politics? Instead of focusing all your efforts on bullying Christians? Which yes that's what it is. These type of Atheists are people who feel so shitty about themselves they want to make everyone else depressed to. They probobly feel bad they don't think they go anywhere they die so they have to crush everyone elses hopes and dreams.

    You know whats funny too we make such a big deal about being a racist but everyone seems to overlook religion. If Japan eats with chopsticks are you going to tell them they are weird and should use a fork. If you do I hope one humiliates the hell out of you. If you go to Australia are you going to make fun of their accent? If you go to Spain are you going to say they are stupid for not speaking enough English? No you don't. If you do you are an inconsiderate prick and need to be punched in the face.

    However when someone has a strange custom such as praying before dinner everyone has to jump on the bandwagon. Are you that inconsiderate that you would attack someone for having different customs? People have lost all sense of common decency. If this keeps up we will have nothing but dicks in this world. All because everyone knows they are going to be laughed at for something stupid like this.

    Would you laugh at black people for being black, the kid with glasses, that nice woman with braces, or maybe that guy at work for being gay, if not than SHUT UP AND SIT THE FUCK BACK DOWN!

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  • srk

    What I believe in is my own business. What someone else believes in is their own business.

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  • House

    i don't go out of my way to disapprove god, i don't even acknowledge it's existence, no point of going out of my way to do that. in my case people are trying to force their believes on me and tell me I'm a sinner just because i don't believe in god. I find that offensive too.

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  • narutothesouleater

    I'm an athiest and i don't mind what religion you are, i just say i don't belive in religion. I don't try to prove that any god is fake i just don't beileve in them.

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  • Raverbasher

    It's totally normal. Just how it's normal for Christians to be taught how to love their neighbor and turn the other cheek, but always fail to do it. Because the majority of Christians are also fake, along with their nonexistent entity which they blindly believe in even though they routinely fail to live up to their own phony standards.

    Maybe if you actually lived out the ideals you proclaim to believe in, other people would have respect for you and your pathetic faith.

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