Is it normal that black and evangelical people make more noise?

I always noticed when my neighbours family came round on Sundays the noise coming from my neighbours house was loud to say the least. I always thought it was because they are evangelicals but now new neighbours have moved in to the house on the other side of me and they are even louder. These two groups of people are the same race so that is not the reason. But after thinking about it the reason could be because they are black, my other neighbours are not black and i only notice that they exist if they are having a party. is it normal that black people make alot of noise while just having a Sunday lunch (without alchol) or going about their daily routine.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I use to live right next to a black baptist church. Sundays id hear them inside screaming "OH LOORD HALLALOOYA!!!!" After church theyd play really loud music when they came outside. It would have been more annoying if the music wasnt actually rgood.

    I thought about going some day but there was no white people and I didnt wanna fuck the service up if he was gonna be talkin bout the white man or whatever and im in there randomly lookin like a spy. I like the music tho seems cool

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    • litelander8

      I went to a black church once. The music is WAYYY better than boring ass honkie church. And the people were incredibly kind to me. However, the preacher was like “I see some new faces. Come up here to get blessed” and really kept pushing it and I swear he was staring at me. I didn’t go up Bc I’ve already been well immersed in the lord and I don’t need anymore. Lol.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I would go to one that has some whites there because I wouldnt want to make an awkward environment if their message involved the white man, which in southern black churches it often does. You dont want them to feel all weird talkin about it trying not to be rude and you ruin the service.

        But I really did want to go. The environment was legendry.

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      • He wanted you to become a member so you could pay 10% of your income like the rest of the innocents.

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        • litelander8


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    • Alot of the music is really good. But these folks are makin all the noise without music or alchol.

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  • RoseIsabella

    When I lived in Mississippi my first ex-husband, and I were out for a walk in the evening, and we passed a house where there was awful screaming, and my husband said to just keep walking, because it sounded like a Pentecostal prayer meeting.

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