Is it normal that breastfeeding really grosses me out?

Well I'm a girl... and I really want to have a baby someday, but I just can't see myself ever getting pregnant and especially not breastfeeding. I understand that it is natural and healthy, there's no need to convince me of that, but I am just really repulsed by the thought of producing milk and my hormones effecting how I am thinking and feeling about my child (even if it's to promote the motherly bond), and seeing mothers breastfeed or hearing discussion about it makes me uncomfortable. I feel ashamed of not being able to get past this, and I've heard people say that adoption is for people who can't conceive or give birth, not people who just don't wanna deal with being pregnant. In a way, I'm kind of jealous of fathers and wish I could be more like a "dad" than a mom, which I associate with giving up everything to have a kid on you constantly for at least a year. Is it okay to feel this way? Please don't tell me that I'll feel differently once I have a kid; that thought scares me even more, to be honest.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • shuggy-chan

    U can still use the breast milk. They have those machines that "milk" you.

    And as for the hormonal part of it, hows it diffrent then the crazy hormone we have during puperty? Try looking at in that light

    I say as a man

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Ill tell you from my experience, I did not enjoy breastfeeding one bit. My baby ate literally every two hours didn't sleep through the night till he was 18 months old. I felt like a cow and I felt trapped. I followed all the books that said the baby will himself when he is "ready". yeah right-- some people would be 20 years old and still on their Mama's titties. If I could go back Id only breastfeed for 2 months and that's it.
    It may be great for the baby but it is often very hard on the mother and can make you go a bit crazy.

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  • anti-hero

    Babies are cute, breasts are beautiful. For me it's a win-win, not offensive in the least.

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  • dasugaknows

    To be honest, i have met more than one person who thought of adoption for this very reason and one of them in particular is a very selfish person. When i was diagnosed with infertility, i did briefly look into adoption but right away saw it wasnt for me. Adoption in itself is also a selfish act because its not like it was years ago before abortion was legal and in a way it is a form of human trafficking. Adoption agencies get massive amounts of money for the exchange of human beings and what does the birth mother get? Besides a life of pain, absolutely nothing. Im sure there will be ppl telling me to adopt from foster care then but truthfully i do think that is the least selfish act when it comes to adoption but it is a path i choose not to take.

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    • mrkrule

      I agree that some methods of adoption are less ethical than others, but to call adoption itself selfish is kind of harsh. I've known several people in open adoptions who are happy about it; one who was close friends with the birth mother years before she got pregnant.

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      • dasugaknows

        Open adoptions seem like more trouble than an old school adoption. So in that case it's i dont want a child but i will give birth anyway and put the kid up for adoption yet i will still stick around sometimes while somebody else raises my kid and pays for it all too. In your friend's case, however, at least that was a close friend not just some stranger. The fact is that adoption is not what is was years ago and i refuse to be involved with. All i can say is thank goodness for modern science.

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  • SometimesNaive

    I'm afraid of the pain of childbirth and constant paranoia of bumping into things and hurting my baby. But I would be upset if all the children I had were not biologically mine, with no surrogate mother involved.

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  • (s)aint

    I'd say that you can't escape simple biology, similar mechanism when you fall in love or get horny.

    This said, I understand you. I'm hesitant to having a baby because I do not think that I will ever be mature enough to put someone elses needs in front of my own.

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