Is it normal that everywhere i go i feel like people are staring at me?

So basically the title says it all. Everywhere I go I feel like everyone is staring at me. Like if I go to school everywhere I turn I feel like everybody has to turn and look at me.

Is this all just in my head or is it happening to you guys too? I don't know what to do! Is this normal???

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 76 votes (58 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Yes I get people staring at me alot. Its usually followed up with "Were you in an accident recently?" or "I am so very sorry".

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  • Dot123

    They are watching us.

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  • Faceless

    Its because you know what they know. Shit! Now they know that I know you know. Theyre going to be staring at me now aswell.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    did you ever know that nobody is looking at you. next time someone looks at you say OOGA BOOGA

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  • americanhoney

    Happens to me all the time. Because I'm hot. Sooooooo, yep. Normal.

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    • To be fair, unless I am mistaken (not sure if it was you that I talked to years ago when you had your profile pic up). In all honesty, if you are that person, then you aren't ugly, but you aren't exactly "hot".

      Just my opinion. Others might think differently.

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      • americanhoney

        Awww, duzzy, you ARE mistaken. I have never shown my pic here or even written on my profile. Sorry boo boo.

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        • Pretty sure you have. Black, am I right? If not, I'd love to be proven wrong.

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          • americanhoney

            lol no I'm not black. I'm white, that I've shared at various times on the site. I also have different colored eyes, which I've also shared on this site. But that's it. And no, I won't "prove" you wrong with a picture - since I've never put one up on my profile, I'm not about to start now. I have an affinity with anonymity while I use IIN, you see. But - Have a gorgeous day, darling. I know I will...because....ya know, I'm not only hot, I'm gorgeous.

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            • My apologies. You just have a name similar to someone that shared the same type of mentality as you. My mistake.

              Meh, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I eyes can only see a stick figure on your profile...Which is pretty damn sexy if you ask me.

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            • Ldizzy1234

              Lol! You really might be a gorgeous girl. But you sound a little into yourself when you say; "Have a gorgeous day, darling. I know I will...because....ya know, I'm not only hot, I'm gorgeous.". :p

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  • suishokiba

    I have anxiety and am very paranoid around large groups of people. especially when I'm unfamiliar with them. I worry that people are talking about me or laughing at me or thinking I'm a weirdo. I try to stare at the ground or focus on where I'm headed, but it's hard to get those worries out of your head. it got to the point where now, I rarely leave the house anymore, I want to hide from those people. so yes, I know how that feels.

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  • SparksTheGoldenFoxie

    Yes i think that to but i like it.. gives me some attention lol i'd rather be looked at then ignored you know?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. People stare at me as well. It's probably the purple dyed hair and dark clothing that make them stare at me.

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  • wigsplitz

    Yeah, I get that a lot. People are curious.

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  • Yes, people tend to stare at me. I think it is a mix of my hair, eyes, and clothing.

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