Is it normal that girls seem to choose girly nicks/usernames purposely?
First off, I'm a feminist, and these are just observations, so don't judge.
Most women, of course, want to be treated as equals, but often contrarily exhibit behaviours that set them apart from men. I know this is societal conditioning, but I do wonder why the majority of women seem to want to be "known" as women even online in an anonymous setting. Is it because they know they'll be treated with more kindness by the usual male majority?
I find that most men tend to choose nicks that are "gender-neutral" in the sense that they choose nicks that could be applied to either sex fairly. We come to associate these types of neutral nicks with men, not because we're biased toward applying anything unwomanly to men, but I think because women tend to always choose feminine sounding nicks.
I think this used to be more prevalent. Around ten-fifteen years ago, every girl was "SweetyAngelDust17" or "SuperHotCutie19". Nowadays, the femininity is more subtle, but still kind of obvious, whether we realize it or not. Anyone with a nick related to thoughtful, serene reflection or to poetic imagery (especially nature) is perceived as being a girl. The traits I commonly see in female usernames are: cute, innocent, nonaggressive, beauty, peace, idealism, fiction-based, myth-based (though this is borderline neutral), etc.
The problem is, I tend to notice that girls that do use gender-neutral nicks seem to be treated more equally/fairly AND with more respect EVEN AFTER they've been "outed" as female than girls who use girly nicks. All the girly-nicked girls get is hit on. On this site, an exception to "girls choose girly nicks" that pops into my mind is "Freedom_". Am I crazy, or does she get more respect for her ideas and thoughts than some of the other girls? Honestly, I think even I respect her more for it!
Do you think the level or girliness of the nick reflects the girliness of the girl or do you think it's just down to taste? I don't want anyone to think I'm suggesting tomboys are smarter/more worldly or deserve more respect here, but is it normal that most of these girls seem to choose these nicks that set them apart intentionally? Of course, there are men too who choose nicks to set them apart, but usually not as "men" but as a certain, specific type of man. So it's not the same thing. One could argue that a girl called "TreePeace" just likes nature, but the user that chose it most probably wouldn't only be "all about" the environment. Though, a man who chose "CreepySexAddict" would most definitely be all about sex.
Girls, do you sigh in annoyance when you see a girl with a really obivously chick-ish nick? I tend to think, "Way to enforce the stereotype..."