Is it normal that guys probably wont date me because my past?

Hi all. Recently i have been having a lot of one night stands with multiple guys. I usually meet them on tinder and kik. I just turned 18 last month and i just realized that i have had sexual encounters with at least 20 guys since the age of 14. The "worst" thing i have ever done was have sex with two much older men at the same time when i was drunk and high. One of my ex friends told people at my high school what i did after i told her to keep it secret.

Now the things i have done have spread throughmy town and have even reached my mother. She doesnt look at me the same way anymore. I also really blew it with this one guy that i actually really liked and wanted to have a real relationship with. Its all because he heard the rumors of all the stuff i have done. He saod he couldnt be with a girl like me because he couldnt bear to think about all the guys i have slept with. I feel like my life is over.

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67% Normal
Based on 42 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Ask yourself if you can stop this behavior which is obviously having an adverse effect on your life. If you can't stop then I would highly recommend that you get some help. You might be a sex addict, but it's also possible that you may have problems with drugs and or alcohol as well. Only you know for sure.

    The good news is that you're still young and you have your whole life ahead of you. I highly recommend that you get help through therapy and twelve step recovery so you can get better and make the most of what will hopefully be a long and prosperous life ahead of you. You don't have to let your past mistakes and the fear and judgment of others define you. Please remember that we're all precious children of God, and that means you too, dear heart!

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  • VirgilManly

    I likes my women like I likes my cars...low mileage and few owners.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    If they can't handle the fact that you have been with people before them then they are insecure and have low self-esteem and that is their problem. I've been with guys who have had more partners than me and all that says to me is that he has experience.

    I have been with the same number of men as you within about the same time frame and I don't regret it. I was (and still am) young, I had fun, I always stayed protected and I'm pretty good in the sack because of it. If a guy doesn't like it then he can go fuck himself.

    This shit will blow over eventually. I come from a small town so I know for a fact that within a few months or even weeks, someone else will do something that those dumb, bored fucks who obviously live the most boring lives on the planet (they'd have to be to be shocked by a teenager having *gasp* intercourse!) can sink their teeth into in their continued, pathetic attempts to believe that they can claim some moral superiority to the riff raff. Everyone I know from my high school who gave me shit over my sexual habits had kids by about 21 and most of them have deadbeat daddies and dead end jobs, no real college education - pretty much everything they assumed would happen to me due to my lifestyle happened to them.

    Own it. Don't be ashamed of being a sexually active human being. I tell them "yeah, I did it, it was wild". When they ask why? "I like to keep things interesting. I stay safe. You know... the whole condoms and birth control thing that these backwards doctors kept talking about? It's totally legit.". In my experience, they'll back off once they realize that what they say really doesn't fucking matter to anyone but them.

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    • great_irresponsiblity

      Anyone who cant handle someone number of partners is insecure and got low self esteem? Some big sour grapes you are eating. Is this how you console yourself when anybody rejects you for being promiscuous? At least have the guts to call a spade a spade. There are many guys that will absolutely love her skills and experience in the bedroom and not care about how many partners she had but matter of factly most will reject OP for her number of partners. Surely not all who dont prefer her will be cause of self esteem and insecurity? Ever heard of the word preferences? If her ex was promiscuous but couldnt handle her promiscuity then THAT is weak and pathetic. If you have been with promiscuous guys and had no problem its because you lived same lifestyle and it would be hypocritical if you had a problem. Yea there are people like that but dont blanket statement everyone who wants their partner to be same experience as them just cause it helps you sleep at night

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Yes omg you're right how could I be so blind

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  • theseeker

    Well, first of all, it should be no one else's business how many sexual encounters or partners you've had. It's a shame it came to that and I'm sorry that happened to you. That's very low of someone to reveal something that personal, but it sounds like you're learning you have to be careful who you trust. It makes sense why she's one of your "ex" friends. I would advise you to find some new people in your life and forget about the poisonous ones.

    In most cases, I'm pretty sure most guys won't even be thinking about that. You shouldn't feel like your life is over. You are able to move on from this. One day your gonna look back on this and realize how stupid it is. That's just my two cents.

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  • jr__

    Can you stop now?

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  • BlackyHancock

    you could always move to a bigger city and start afresh

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  • thegypsysailor

    I bet you are fun in bed. Any guy that wants a virginal, inexperienced girlfriend, isn't going to be able to please you anyway. There are lots of adult guys out there that appreciate a gal with experience and who is fun to be with.
    Let the prudes live their boring, unsatisfying and uninteresting lives without you thinking you aren't fine just the way you are.

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    • Steven Glansberg

      Why does it have to be either whore or virgin with you sailor? I like girls who are Normal, they have had maybe a few partners, not inexperienced but not a total cum dumpster like OP either

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      • thegypsysailor

        I didn't ask you what you like, cause I don't give a crap. Since you don't give a crap about me according to your numerous posts, why don't you address your small minded comments to the OP and ignore me? Fucking jackass.

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        • Steven Glansberg

          U mad bro?

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          • thegypsysailor

            Totally in fucking sane.

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  • Steven Glansberg

    I dont know that your life is over necessarilly. You can always become a stripper at the local titty bar

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  • lordofopinions

    You're labeled as a skank now and no one wants to have a serious relationship. The only way out is to move to another town where you are not known.

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  • RainbowFlash

    You are suffering the repercussions of your actions and the only way to correct this, to be trustworthy, is to change your ways.

    Stay clean, sleep with nobody and wait. If small town bullshit continues... you might have to move to another town.

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  • OrangeJoe

    1. You're 18, your life is just beginning.
    2. People who aren't willing to forgive and forget your past aren't worth being around.
    3. Why is this under the Technology category?

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  • BluntsRolled

    You made your bed now lie in it... with me next to you... with my dick in your ass.

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  • BrownNightmare

    Wow! This generation is fully, literally, without a doubt, the most retarded, idiotic, bullshitters, of them all.
    40% of this generation actually plays their cards right...
    While 60% of them don't even give a damn about lifenand just says "FUCK IT! I'M DONE!" and then goes into the street to join a gang and becomes a pimp

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  • KingTermite

    You can always move to a new place where no one knows anything of your past. If it catches up with you again, you can run again. You can keep running your whole life, it's a big planet.

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  • (s)aint

    Girl, you have not done anything different than what a lot of guys do. As long as you were single when you fooled around there´s no harm in it. A guy that ditches you because you have had fun is no guy to have.

    I also, honestly think that it´s more common with younger guys to be insecure when it comes to girls that have had some partners in bed. Older guys know they don´t need to feel threatened. (My boyfriend has admitted to being sensitive to this in the past, then he matured)

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  • charli.m's_Constant_Period

    Move to the Las Vegas. Nude pole dancing may be your ticket to a better life.

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  • buzzybimaybe

    you should become a hooker

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