Is it normal that harleys are overated

Personally I think Harleys are the biggest pieces of junks around,always spewing oil,always braking down,and being ridden by overweight degenerates always braking the law,what gives?

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 12 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • wigz

    The people who buy them are buying the brand, style, feel, reputation, to them, the mechanical issues aren't that important. A Honda might be more efficient and reliable but it's just not what they want. I tend to agree with you that they are overrated but whatever...people like what they like.

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  • ilovetoteabagsally

    I bet you have never even ridden a bike!

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  • cinderellasundergarments

    Come on guys were talking about American history,culture and muscle,you know where you can stick your rice burners......

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  • lc1988

    I'm with you on this dad was AGAINST harley's until a decade that time he has owned two. The first one he sold within a couple of years and had no issues with, however, his current...oh boy. It has 150000 miles on it to be fair but's left him stranded at least 5 times. He does go cross country with it and I guess that's why he keeps it because it's comfortable but goddamn...I've had to drive to rescue him multiple times while he was on his way to visit my house. He's already had the motor rebuilt.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Is it weird that before I read the details of your post I thought of all the different people I've encountered cosplaying as Harley Quinn? But anyway, it's normal to feel that way about something if that's your experiences.

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  • SillyBastard

    I've got a crap on deck that could choke a donkey.

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    • paulthepoes

      Be careful it does not rip your rectum on the way out!

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  • Legion

    They are not nearly as bad as they used to be, they have gone a long way from what they used to be, however, I agree there are better bikes mechanically.

    Overrated? Yeah, I would agree. If you want an American Motorcycle, go Indian or victory, both made by Polaris.

    I like the old 70s Hondas myself

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  • CreamPuffs

    I feel the same, but it has more to do with the Quinn type of harley that seems overrated to me.

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  • paulthepoes

    I have only ever owned japanese bikes, thus I am not in a position to comment on the standards of Harley...sorry!

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  • CorruptedSoul

    Hell nah. Harley's are the best!

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