Is it normal that he crashed her car twice in a month?

He also made promises to be a bread winner, stay off the drugs, and keep her safe. He has done none of these things. He blames his parents because they did a shit job raising him and he cries and whines over first world b.s.

We wish she'd break up with him but she just won't.

Is it normal?

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 9 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • kelili

    Trauma bonding.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    How old is he? Its possible he could grow out of it but the odds are against him.

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    • He's 27. She's 30. He has frequent anxiety attacks and can't keep a proper job.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Damn no theres almost no hope. If he hasnt figured it out by 30 thats a wrap for him. His life is always gonna suck. She needs to leave.

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      • notmyrealname123

        POV: GAY MAN

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