Is it normal that heavy people openly criticize thinner people?

I’m what you might call a wiry guy. Although my weight is in the healthy range for my height, I look thinner than average. I work out, stay active, eat pretty healthy and am probably strong for my size. Good, right? But no, for most of my life I’ve had heavier people say rude things to me about being thinner.

I thought to write this because yesterday in the lunchroom at work it happened again. Three very overweight women were giving me trouble over the big lunch I was eating, even though it was pretty healthy food. They said things like, “you’re so skinny” and “it makes me sick that you eat so much”, and “you need to put on weight.” All the while they had these snooty, disgusted looks on their faces. I wouldn’t dream of saying anything like this to them about being overweight, them eating too much, or being sedentary.

Vote “yes” if you think other thinner people get this kind of rude treatment from heavy people? Or vote “no” if you think it’s just me.

Voting Results
59% Normal
Based on 39 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • dirtybirdy

    You'd get pounded flat if you said you're so fat, it makes me sick that you eat so much and or you need to lose some weight. If they don't like being criticized about their, um, glandular issues, then they have no business making remarks about you and thinner people in general. Double cheeseburger standards! Yuck!

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  • Aries

    I wouldn't be upset with you if I overheard you return the same comments after what you had to listen to! I think they are projecting onto you their own insecurities and issues with weight . They are trying to normalize their weight as the standard and make you the outcast or cause for concern . I think they feel better saying you eat too much and it makes them sick because in their mind they now put out the image that , they don't eat to much and that if they are overweight it must be some other reason they have no control over . It must be a health issue which a lot of people like to use as a safety net but in actuality .. it's rarely the case . There are some people with genuine causes who cant control weight but the numbers are super low compared to what these excuses users would like to think . I absolutely can't stand someone doing this and I would have said something but I respect your standpoint in keeping quiet about it . If it's okay and socially acceptable to call people skinny or toothpicks or unhealthy because of their lean frame .. then It should be okay for the flip side of the coin as well . I think if anything it only promotes poor health if everyone walks around on glass and these people never have to consciously acknowledge the danger . It's okay to tell someone to stop drinking booze so often , stop being so skinny , put down that cigarette , stop drinking coffee everyday and don't use marijuana but why are these people left untouched and out of the equation ? I am not saying go around maliciously bashing overweight people but I am saying why is it okay for them and others to make these comments but it's this unwritten rule not to tell someone to stop stuffing cheeseburgers with extra bacon down their throat followed by a huge pop and sundae ? why isn't that okay ? I think if someone want's to dish it out , let them hear it back . If they are upset they aren't at an advantage after their slander ... they should have put the half pound of cheese poutine down and triple burger and picked up a set of weights and worked out . This is only one mans opinion and maybe some will defy it or not agree with it but I see the logic here .

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    • normalpeoplescareme23

      seriously, I'm telling you you type a lot O.O

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      • Aries

        it made me laugh that you found me in another thread with a long comment! I really don't always type that long xD

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'm 5'5, 125 pounds and I used to weigh close to 200. Once I lost the weight, the heavier set individuals that were nice to me were talking behind my back saying that I'll fuck up and gain back every pound I lost. Well, while I have fucked up a few times, I still managed to keep the weight off while they continue to grow bigger. I have nothing against heavy set people, but some of them are jerks.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Everybody experiences this type of treatmrnt from others regardless of reality. People can be jerks. Generally, we speak before we think. We dont try to understand others.

    It's tough at times, i get it. But you got to shrug it off. Pay it no mind.

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  • VinnyB

    People make fun of people for almost any reason. Some fat people make fun or skinny people, some skinny people make fun of fat people, heck some fat people make fun of fat people. Pretty mush everyone gets made fun of by someone for some reason at some time. There is no group that makes fun of another group 100% of the time. Though not very nice, it is normal human behavior.

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  • JD777

    Yep, same thing has happened to me most of my life and I’m on the higher end of the “healthy” range for my height! It’s just them projecting their own insecurities. If you said anything back, they’d probably go into victim mode and tell you all the questionable reasons why they can’t lose weight. When they say I look skinny, I just smile on the inside and say “thanks.”

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  • It's jealousy, what they are trying to do is bring you down to their level. They are jealous of how you look and your will power in maintaining your healthy look. I use my lunch hour for cardio at work, instead of stuffing my face and sitting on my own ass. I've dealt with similar situations. If there was a magic pill they could take to look how you do, these ham beasts would do it. Except there isn't, and never will be, so since they have no willpower to change themselves they try to bring you down.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    tell em yallre flattered by all theys attention and would love to go to the gym/basketball/other sporting activities with em

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  • RoseIsabella

    I agree with DJPatties! They're jealous!

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  • VVR

    Dude fuck that shit!

    I've recently lost about 80 lbs and the only thing more surprising than the sudden influx of phone numbers was the awful way heavy people treat you. I'm a girl, and I haven't had to deal with such open hostility yet but I do hear the occasional remark when I'm eating and I am super familiar with that snooty look you described.

    I never gave skinny people grief over their physique when I was heavy. Even at my worst (5' 7'' 215 lbs) I was never hassled for my eating habits or looks by anyone. I thought the skinny hate thing was just the internet being the internet until I slimmed down. I just smile and cram as much junk food in my face as I can stand until they look away. It's so worth it, I don't even mind doing the extra sit ups!

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  • Goomats

    I'm skinny and all kinds of people think they can give me shit and call me names-even customers at my job! It needs to stop.

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  • Riddler

    I honestly dont think they were saying anything about you. Really what they said sounds like they are talking bad about themselves. "It makes me sick you eat so much" to a skinny person from a fat person sounds like, I wish I could eat that much and stay small like you. People who are bigger often say "You need to gain weight" even though a lot of thinner people "Like me for example" Might have issues gaining weight. I also get told I need to gain weight by pretty much everyone.

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  • VSpnklvr

    I'm definetly on the taller lighter side of the scale and I definetly get this, but iI just take it in stride. I'd love to say something like "atleast I'm not a fat ass like you" but always refrain. Although I'm on the lighter side of things it never has really bothered me. I eat what I want when I want and live a very healthy active lifestyle. Which is a lot more than overweight people can say.

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  • Shackleford96

    I get this a LOT. I'm about 5'7" 140lbs and generally regarded as a 'small guy.' I've never really let it bother me before, but in recent years it has started to get to me more...

    I almost made a post about this very subject a while back.

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  • I run into the same issues I'm 5'7 115 so I am a stick. I get the same comments but I don't really take it too serious. I wouldn't let it bother you. No sense in it. As long as you feel good with yourself then who cares what others have to say.

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