Is it normal that heavy people openly criticize thinner people?
I’m what you might call a wiry guy. Although my weight is in the healthy range for my height, I look thinner than average. I work out, stay active, eat pretty healthy and am probably strong for my size. Good, right? But no, for most of my life I’ve had heavier people say rude things to me about being thinner.
I thought to write this because yesterday in the lunchroom at work it happened again. Three very overweight women were giving me trouble over the big lunch I was eating, even though it was pretty healthy food. They said things like, “you’re so skinny” and “it makes me sick that you eat so much”, and “you need to put on weight.” All the while they had these snooty, disgusted looks on their faces. I wouldn’t dream of saying anything like this to them about being overweight, them eating too much, or being sedentary.
Vote “yes” if you think other thinner people get this kind of rude treatment from heavy people? Or vote “no” if you think it’s just me.