Is it normal that i’ll spend hours researching “pointless” things?
I literally do stuff like compare and contrast different cleaning supplies for hours just because I get bored. For example, the only Pine-Sol that I know of that is actually considered a real disinfectant is the original Pine scented one. A lot of other people think that the lemon scented one also disinfects, but it just doesn’t. Not last time I checked anyway. They might’ve changed that nowadays, I just think it’s kinda odd how they don’t make that info a little more obvious on their website.
A lot of people also don’t realize that you can permanently stain your clothes with simple laundry detergent, or that Comet is full of bleach but Bartenders powder isn’t. Vinegar also works great as a cleaner, even a bit of a sanitizer, but it just doesn’t truly disinfect anything. Disinfectants, as far as I know, are mainly hospital grade stuff whereas sanitizers are better suited fir more normal places.
Another interesting tidbit is that bleach is usually cheaper than rubbing alcohol as far as I know. 90% rubbing alcohol can be usually be used to disinfect things pretty quickly, whereas 70% rubbing alcohol is sometimes better at effectively killing microbes just because it evaporates more slowly. This means that the 70% rubbing alcohol remains in contact with microbes longer, which increases the likelihood of it disinfecting effectively.
It’s always kinda annoyed me that other people don’t really pay attention to this stuff to be honest. Thanks in advance for any comments