Is it normal that i admire germany?
I really admire Germany, despite their dark past.
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I really admire Germany, despite their dark past.
Blanket admiration of any country has always seemed very odd to me. It's possible to find at least some admirable things about nearly every country and culture, but every country has it's negative aspects as well.
I've never stayed in Germany for longer than a few days at a time, but I've travelled through it numerous times. My impression of Germans and the way the country works as a whole is positive, and I can imagine living there and enjoying it. But I'm also sure it's not heaven on earth.
As for Germany's dark past, pick any country and you can find things it did that were pretty nasty. The USA has its treatment of native Americans and slavery. Great Britain has its involvement in the creation of the slave trade with America, its continued indirect exploitation of slavery by its importation of vast quantities of sugar, cotton and tobacco even after slavery was made illegal in Britain, and the exploitation of British colonies. The Dutch can't take any pride in how they treated the people of their colonies in the East Indies, and they definitely don't want to think too much about how they handed over a far larger proportion of Jews to the Nazis than France and Belgium did during the German occupation. Tiny, innocuous Belgium would much rather forget the horrific things that happened in the Congo when it was under Belgian control. And Switzerland didn't give women the right to vote until the 1970s.
You're more likely to find a unicorn than a country without a dark past.
WW2 showed how great Germany was. The way Germany was able to bounce back after a terrible defeat in WW1 and a economic collapse that follow just to nearly take over Europe. They also somehow had so many great scientists. They invented rockets, synthetic opioids, sonar torpedos, adderall like drug, prettY sure the first helicopter, helmets and machine guns we still use in the military today, they had badass computers, they invented new tactics that they called mobile warfare, but we call blitzkrieg. Also Nazi Germany had the best style clothes in the history of earth. And they had balls too thats something I think they are missing today.