Is it normal that i always feel like there's hidden cameras? /how to stop it?

I mean, I've felt this way for years. For as long as I can remember, I feel awkward about the things that people lend me. I take great care of it, of course ー better than my own possessions ー but I just make sure that it' a place where it can't see me.

You're probably wondering, if I've felt this way for years, why ask about it now?

Well, someone very dear to me got me something very nice but some stupid part of me feels like it could be used to spy on me. I know that this is illogical and stupid, but even if I know it, I just can't feel it, if you understand. I want to believe that things have no cameras in them but I keep things hidden as sort of a precautionary method.

Is there any possible way for me to force myself to not feel this way? It's very stressful to feel like somethings watching you.

To humor myself, "I always feel like, somebody's WAAAAAAAAATCHIN' MEEEE"

Serious advice would be appreciated, it doesn't make any sense because I'm aware that this is stupid...but, "just in case".

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Comments ( 24 )
  • Usenoname

    Being paranoid, regarding feeling "watched", pertains to insecurities and self awareness. If you're insecure and doing something you feel somewhat ashamed of, this type of thinking begins to come on. It doesn't need to be drugs, necessarily, it can be little things, like porn/masturbation, personal habits etc

    If you're uncomfortable with yourself and what you are doing in privacy, paranoia can ensue. Of course a huge factor is it is subconscious, so you may not be able to realize exactly why you feel this way, but it's best to realize not only is no one watching you, but why would they and what is so disconcerting in privacy, or how you feel about yourself, that brings on paranoia. Much like how people commiting crime become, or incessant drug using. People who do things they wish to stay "private", but are so aware, they become increasingly paranoid.

    You just need to let go of stressors and dwelling, because it is something you are "missing", that is the answer to the paranoia. Think about how you view yourself and what your doing, a touch more, to figure out the cause of this paranoia.

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    • ㅤㅤㅤ

      Wow, I...really needed to hear this. Thank you so, so much. I still don't understand, but what you say makes sense...if that make any sense.

      Thank you, a lot.

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      • Usenoname

        Absolutely! I hope it brings you some solace and peace of mind.

        If it is any consolation, I, at one point, thought the family I'm living with had cameras all over the lower level of the house (basement) and it caused some paranoia, like you described. But of course, I only thought of this whenever I would be masurtbating or about to. Which pertains to insecurity/being self-aware, like I mentioned before.

        The only difference is that it's rational/logical thinking, as the house is incredibly nice and I figured they would have cameras for a reasonable reason, like assisting the police if there was a break-in. So the mindset isn't abnormal, it's human nature at times. Especially when a sense of shame/embarrassment is implemented. I wouldn't worry too much, as it's understandable and justified, to a certain extent. In the technology age, it's unnerving at times, just don't let it get out of hand, or the best of you and cause more irrational paranoia.
        Keep in mind no one is actually watching you or invading your privacy;
        I just reminded myself, I'm not doing anything wrong OR interesting enough, warranting the lengths (and risk) it takes to spy on someone.

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        • ㅤㅤㅤ

          Yeah, you're complety right. I mean I'm ashamed of myself anyways, but I don't do anything interesting like eat rotting corpses, sk why would anyone want to spy on me, anyways? Great way of seeing jt, thanks for helping me out.

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  • sillygirl77

    In all seriousness it sounds like paranoia... you need to see a Psychiatrist.. the Psychiatrist can help stop it by prescribing the correct drugs.

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    • ㅤㅤㅤ

      Thank you, and you're probably right. I should get back on medication because between this and constant thoughts of suicide it's becomming unbearable. I can't think clearly so this might be a good option. Thank you.

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  • Horrorhomemaker

    Hey dont listen to these people who are being really imature
    if i was you id go to my doctor could just be paranoia and this could sound strange but it could very well be ocd nothing that cbt wouldnt fix , just get it checked out it could progress and dont be scared!!

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    • ㅤㅤㅤ

      Nah it's cool, it is the internet after all, and sometimes people (myself included) just can't pass up an oppurtunity for a joke...but thank you for giving me actual advice, too.

      My doctor might try sending me to another therapist hahaha, but I'll look for other people to talk about it with, thank you.

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  • Faceless

    I'm not telling you to stop smoking crack completely but if you could smoke a little less that would be great.

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    • ㅤㅤㅤ

      I don't do drugs buddy. Thanks for trying to be funny though.

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  • Riddler

    Cover your house in ducktape. Whoever planted the cameras will have to find a new way to cover them up.

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  • Para-Normal

    My question: Do you only feel this way when it involves someone else's property, or do you have other situations where you feel like your not alone or that your being watched / privacy invaded? Do you trust your friends?

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    • ㅤㅤㅤ

      I trust my friends with my life, haha.

      I only feel this way when it involves someone elses' property (but not just friends, anyone in general). I do still feel nervous around mirrors, vents, and blinds, but not as much as I used to.

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      • Para-Normal

        If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? ? Let's look at the things that you (or anyone) naturally don't want others to witness. Seeing you naked; talking to yourself; picking your nose, scratching where it itches, and so forth.

        Now, I want you to make a guess...just a guess....don't think hard or to what do you fear would happen if someone saw you doing these things?

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've had issues with varying amounts of paranoia throughout my life. The most extreme cases were experienced in my childhood. I am not sure exactly how I managed to exit these episodes. They did, however, take an extremely long to lessen in extremities. To some extent, everyone in America and anyone in contact with America is being spied on by the NSA. Look up "Eric Snowden". He's the man who exposed this and has been granted asylum to Russia.

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  • like the dot on the black guys forehead in predator? oooooo

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  • Mekkars

    That's right were watching you.

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  • Holzman_67

    they're not even hidden anymore.

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    • ㅤㅤㅤ

      Something's telling me I shouldn't click this to preserve what little sanity I have left lol

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  • davesumba

    Stop doing drugs.

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    • ㅤㅤㅤ

      Some other faggot already beat you to that joke, 0/10, try again.

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      • davesumba

        It's not a joke. My sister was the same way. She thought our dad was spying on her. She thought he installed listening devices in her car, so when she first brought this up after picking me up to hang out, she shushed me until she stopped on the side of the road, got out of the car and starting telling me about it. Her bf got a car, and she didn't think he could afford one, so she thought my dad must have bought him it so he would feed him information. She was on drugs, illicit, prescription, both of them can cause this kind of paranoia.

        It seems you are avoiding the issue here, are you or are you not doing any form of drugs?

        Asshole Rating : 8/10, try again.

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        • ㅤㅤㅤ

          How many times do I have to say that I don't do any goddamn drugs. I don't even drink or smoke. If you had explained it from the beginning then that would actually be helpful but a simple, "Stop doing drugs" isn't very helpful. Thanks.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Big brother IS watching you. Get used too it; it is a part of your life, now and will only get worse.

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