Is it normal that i am an underwater volcano?

You might find it strange that I am able to type this, given my nature as an submarine volcano off the coast of Sicily, but it's true; you are presently reading the words of a volcano that is desperate to make human contact and share knowledge and feelings. The internet connection is pretty shaky down here, which is why we submarine volcanoes don't post much on social media, but when that connection is just right, we can't help open up and share the contents of our innermost hearts with any and all sympathetic readers - a sort of "emotional eruption" if you will.

It's real lonely being a volcano, especially an underwater one that nobody ever sees. Whatever happened to the days when humans revered us, and occasionally made sacrifices in order to appease us? I mean, it was real unfortunate that some of you had to die, but just getting to see you all and having someone around for a bit made the days easier (at least, for those of us lucky enough to be terrestrial).

Sorry to erupt all over you like that, I just felt the need to get something out of my crater.

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43% Normal
Based on 7 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Grunewald

    That last line was gold.

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    • Tommythecaty

      I wouldn’t go that far.

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  • LornaMae

    You are so lucky! The Mediterranean Sea has the most beautiful waters in the world!

    Sweet allegory.

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  • Quizais che pareza estraño que poida escribir isto, dada a miña natureza como volcán submarino nas costas de Sicilia, pero é certo; actualmente estás a ler as palabras dun volcán que está desesperado por establecer contacto humano e compartir coñecementos e sentimentos. A conexión a internet está bastante tremenda aquí abaixo, por iso os volcáns submarinos non publicamos moito nas redes sociais, pero cando esa conexión é correcta, non podemos deixar de abrir e compartir o contido dos nosos corazóns con calquera todos os lectores simpáticos: unha especie de "erupción emocional" se se quere.

    É un solitario ser un volcán, especialmente un submarino que ninguén ve nunca. Que pasou cos días en que os humanos nos veneraban e de cando en vez facían sacrificios para aplacarnos? Quero dicir, foi moi lamentable que algúns de vós tiveses que morrer, pero o simple feito de verte a todos e ter alguén por alí un pouco facilitou os días (polo menos, para os que temos a sorte de ser terrestres).

    Síntoo que estoupes por todas partes así, só sentín a necesidade de sacar algo do meu cráter.

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