Is it normal that i am having diarrhea for days?

I am 21 years old and am a female. Ever since last Friday, I have been having diarrhea. Most of the time, it's early in the morning that it happens. This is because the cramps from the freaking diarrhea wakes me up in the middle of the night, so I have to rush to the bathroom. Tomorrow will be the seventh day with this ailment and it's really tiring because it's painful and I always have to wash my butt every time I have to expel that shit. Besides that, I also lost 3 pounds during this ailment. Am I sick?

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38% Normal
Based on 8 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Zorak

    That is not normal to have extreme diarrhea for this long with no signs of easing up. What kinds of things are you eating and drinking during the day?

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    • icumdear

      Lately I have been eating yogurt with some flax seeds mixed into it and a banana in the morning. In the afternoon I will also eat some kind of fruit, whether that be a peach, mango, plum, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, or whatever I happen to have. In the evening I will usually have some rice with meat or vegetables. I also drink a lot of tea and water.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    No, that's not normal at all. Could be Chrons, IBS or a slew of other things. I wouldn't want to jump to saying it's something more serious like C. Diff but thats a possibility as well with how long this has been going on.

    If you're losing weight, this is serious. You need to go to a doctor now before things get any worse and figure out what's going on and where to go from there for treatment.

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  • Nickvey

    its summer time , did you go swimming and accidental drink water? pools and rivers have ass things like cryptosporidium that can't be killed with pool chlorine or giardia from licking a butt hole or your boyfriends cock after its been up an ass. they cause diarrheal disease. your doctor would be useless , a hospital lab with no doctors can do the test if your doctor will write an order to do the test and if your doctor has privileges to use that hospital lab. bummer man , i feel your pain. have you used antibiotics recently ? they play hell on normal gut flora and may cause persistent diarrhea, how about travel? how about vitamin C use? how about you get a shit sample to a hospital lab so an expert can look at it. just be sure that hospital can do the test and not ship it to a reference lab, reference labs are great but they won't spend any time doing the testing and they won't do anything extra to find the problem either. Anyway you look at this you are fucked. you are worth more money sick than cured. all those non profit hospitals are now private for profit. blame your political party , either party they are all in cahoots

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