Is it normal that i am too scared to eat

I am very concerned about eating. I have such an illogical fear of vomit and stomach illness that I fear eating due to the fact that I may inherit food poisoning or some other god-forbidden stomach upset. I don't consider this an illness such as bulimia or anorexia, but it is a bit worry some. Is it normal to have such an irrational fear like this?

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19% Normal
Based on 27 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • wistfulmaiden

    I used to have this and it lead to anorexia. You should get counseling perhaps.

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  • BooWozawski

    Face your fears. Eat all you want.

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  • Rainbowbash

    Yeah. Just yesterday I got sick from a burrito at taco casa, but I still ate a burrito there today. AND HERE I COME POPEYES! Your fear is rational, however, it is uncommon. If you want to be sure about what you eat, don't be a douche at a restaurant and say "ISSS ThiisTH ORrerfagAnik?". Instead just go online and maybe do a tad of research on what you want and don't want to eat. For example, if your on a low-salt diet taco casa is not the best idea, due to the fact that pretty much all their stuff has an extreme excess of sodium... Well, not an "extreme" ammount, but you get it...

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  • RoseIsabella

    I felt that way once, but it was after being on a liquid diet after a six week bout with what I was told was colitis.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I had a similar fear a few years back, after constantly getting stomach aches, diarrhea, and feeling nauseous after eating. I later on found out that it was the Complex Carbohydrates in the vegetables and breads and the Lactose in the milk products that did this. I fixed that by taking Beano and eating lactose free products. What I'm trying to say is if you're scared to eat because of what the food does to you or did to you, find what causes it and remedy it.

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