Is it normal that i avoid talking to friends for this reason
Two of my internet friends write the longest messages everytime we talk... I do prefer that to literally every single other person who writes short replies and are god awful texters but at the same time it's exhausting and takes lots of energy. Plus some things you reallly dont need to drag out in multiple paragraphs. 1 of those friends we only text a few times a year. He says its because he doesnt always have the energy to talk so he'll read a message and reply later in time sometimes even months later... Makes sense since he writes replies so long that they could be complete novels. I havent replied to his latest message in like 2 months so now its my turn....But I havent been feeling so energetic lately either, to focus my mind to sit and think out a clever and long well written response to his latest wall of text. Before the pandemic we used to meet up in person somewhat often as he doesn't live extremely far away and back then he nearly only got in touch when he felt like coming to my city. It was always him travelling because hes an adventerous person and likes the trip. I have missed that. It's easier to catch up in person with someone who talks as much as him plus it's more fun.
My other friend like this and I talk far more often but I do tend to ghost him temporarily sometimes and then blame forgetting to reply because I got distracted, or not recieveing the notification.
I love my friends but sometimes I cant be bothered to reply because its exhausting and sometimes I feel like talking to them but I cant stand all the in-depth talking even about the most unimportant random things.