Is it normal that i believe it's only okay for people to procreate responsibly?
In other words, having no more than Replacement Value. That means single (never married) people can have one child each and every married couple can have two children. That's alright and it's responsible. However, if someone has more than 1 or 2 kids, I personally believe that they are being selfish and ignorant fools (It's one thing to bear children but you must take the world and the lives of other people into consideration too as well as the future of your own child(ren)). Sadly, because there's no Child Limit and World-Wide Contraception & Abortion movement going on (people don't give enough of a care), nothing can be done about this and our numbers will continue to expand and put more strain on Earth (We're already past 7 Billion. Won't be long at all until we're at 9-10 Billion in just 10-30 years). Our world can't handle irresponsible childbearing like this with the 3+ Kids per family (It may mostly be a Contribution issue, but it's also a population issue and every shortage/problem we had regarding resources is man-made because of our ghastly numbers). Does anyone really need 3 or more DNA replicants (Children)? The short answer is No. If everyone just had enough kids to replace themselves, then our numbers would gradually decline and the lives of many would be improved. But Man is a selfish oblivious creature and it's not likely we'll ever change. Because of our obsessive want for sex and procreation, we'll lead ourselves into our own extinction. Quite sad that. To think that Homo Sapiens had so much more potential. What a pity but atleast the world and it's other inhabitants will be alright in our absence. For the record, I'm not Misathropic (atleast not entirely). I do want humans to survive (Because of our potential) but at the rate we're going, we won't last another 200-900 years.
R.I.P. Human Beings...Rest In Peace. We had a good run I guess but I guess because of our own stupidity and greed, we're going to kill ourselves. Talk about a Evolutionary Suicide. I guess we really aren't anything more than Hairless Apes/Bonobos/Chimpanzees and to think Humans were something special. Ironically, we call ourselves "Special" and "Complex" due to our ability of Rational Thought when We're no better than other animals (Including Roaches). It seems that we were a huge mistake evolution wise. What a shame. What a crying shame. It's things like this that make me deeply ashamed and disappointed to be part of the human race. I find it incredibly sad that I can't change myself into something else. I don't want to be part of a species that believes it's "the greatest and most special species alive" and can't even value other animals just as much. It's nothing more than disgusting Arrogance and Specism.
We can't even keep our reproduction under control and other animals continue suffering because of it. We're not the only creatures here with importance, people nor are we as "Important" and "Special" as you may think. All the other animals on this planet have much more right to be here and have good lives than we ever will. And unlike us, they actually contribute positive things to Earth and each other. If anyone's inferior and pathetic, it's us. However, if we can get our acts together, we might actually be able to redeem ourselves.