Is it normal that i believe that first impressions are overrated?

Obviously first impressions are extremely useful...I just hesitate to call them important because I think that kinda gives the wrong idea.

I've been in situations where I was expected to make sure everyone was following the rules, and a few people definitely didn't like me at first lol. Sometimes I'm a little off-putting, though it's always unintentional. What's very interesting to me though is that the people who I was tasked to keep an eye on usually still ended up liking me in the end.

My point is that I don't think that first impressions are AS important as people make them out to be, and I believe that everyone can save themselves some anxiety and heartache by taking such things just a bit less seriously. Does anyone else have any thoughts or opinions on this? Thanks in advance.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • olderdude-xx

    First impressions only get you the chance to make a 2nd one. The 2nd one a 3rd one, etc.

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  • Rocketrain

    I think the same.
    First impression is also could be a fake. Think of an interview, would you really be th guy who you are and speak the truth. Hell no. We try to impress and lie, to get the job. Very first job interview I was 19 and failed because some idiot told me, don't be afraid be your self they just people. Boom failed.
    Second interview, another one said this.
    Interviewer suppose to check the skills and qualities of you that you would fit for the job or not. But there are dozens of false interview methods are vastly used by this people. One is first impression. Which mean fake it.
    If you already know your job how to do it etc, don't worry you can do the job. To pass it. Just lie. Tell what they want to hear, essence should be you gonna be an idiot who sacrifice your soul to the work so the company get it's profit not you. Create your presentation around this. That's the perfect first impression.
    Surprisingly, worked Everytime.

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    • idolomantis

      I used the same method at that fucking car wash I used to work at lol. It's a great method as long as your boss doesn't think the same way...

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