Is it normal that i can improve my musical skills by playing air instruments?

Sometimes I'll be listening to a song and will be playing air drums or guitar etc along to it, then when I actually come to play it on designated instrument, I find I'm better than last time I played, because I've done air instruments

It's weird, but it's true.

I've also learnt alot of drumming by essentially "figuring out"* how to play a certain beat in my head, then whenever I play it, I just can!

Is it normal, or do I have some sort of musical superpower?

*When I say "figuring out", I mean I'll decide what I need to hit and when, and it'll just come to me.

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68% Normal
Based on 31 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • somebodie

    I do that too with drums!

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  • Uzzie101

    I do it too! With guitar...I could NEVER play "Oh Well" but after a few minutes looking into a came natural :P

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  • toki_wartooth

    its called being a natural. haha im the same way.

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  • deepthought33

    Lots of musicians use that kind of exercise to work out tricky finger patterns.

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  • jean

    The gtr part, you're lying unless you're John Petrucci

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  • feelingofselfworthlessness

    Have you played drums before? Because like I said, I can understand how the air drumming would help, but not air guitar etc

    It's strange.

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  • rapideye89

    I don't see how playing air anything could help.

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  • feelingofselfworthlessness

    Hmm, I guess that explains the drums, but what about guitar etc?

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  • AlphabetSoup

    I'd say that's fairly normal, if you've spent plenty of time around the instruments that you're playing along to. You're accostumed to that sound that each individual drum makes and it just starts to come naturally after a while.

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