Is it normal that i can't eat mushrooms anymore because of this?

I used to like mushrooms in my salads, but lately I've been unable to stop my association of the texture of the mushroom with a dog's nose. It makes me feel like I'm chewing on a clean dog's nose. It both disgusts me and makes me feel like an animal abuser even though I know it's not actually the nose of a dog.

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28% Normal
Based on 46 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • dirtybirdy

    The texture is a bit off putting. I used to love mushrooms. All kinds of mushrooms...til the one day back in 1999. I got a stomach virus and the last thing I ate before puking my brains out was a portobello mushroom sandwich. Quite possibly one of the worst things ever imaginable to barf back up. I only started very slowly reintroducing mushies back into my diet maybe two years ago and I've only had them a handful of times. But I'm still scared and scarred. Baby steps.


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    • howaminotmyself

      Peanuts. My husband puked up peanuts all over the bathroom once when he was ill. Guess who cleaned it up? Neither of us really care to eat them anymore.

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    • shuggy-chan

      same thing happened to me with apple pie, i rsrely can eat any apple pie anymore, it was comming up thru my nose

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  • flatusfairy

    No it is not normal. You have allowed the irrational fear to take precedence of the rational. You would probably be best served by speaking to a psychiatrist as your irrational fears are probably not uncommon and this "dog nose" incident is probably one of the more debilitating issues you have come across. if this is untreated- your fears will become greater, they will begin to overwhelm you and significantly negatively effect your life. Please get help and good mental health.

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  • Ace09

    God damn! Now I can't eat mushrooms!

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  • RoseIsabella

    Sounds like an OCD thing to me.

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  • eastbeast

    I love edible fungus of all types.

    I put edible in there as an afterthought because I know one of you sick Bastards would suggest eating candida.

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  • seekelp

    Eat an uncooked mushroom and see if that changes stuff

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  • Puffles?

    i never liked mushrooms anyway

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  • chained_rage

    I like to eat raw mushrooms. I cant stand the taste of cooked ones

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  • thegypsysailor

    Now that's a first world problem if I ever heard one.

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