Is it normal that i can't pee when i am at a public bathroom/toilet ?

Every time i go any where (ex cinema,..) and I need to pee I just can't. How hard I even need to pee doesn't matter I just can't. The only way i can is when there for sure is no one around...

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67% Normal
Based on 48 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • CanadianCowboy

    I have the same problem unless I have to go really really bad, but I'm a guy. Other people peeing right next to me is creepy in my opinion. Even worse, sometimes dudes stand behind me at the urinal which REALLY creeps me out...

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  • I'm a girl and I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If you are a guy, it's called performance anxiety and it usually results from thinking your penis is unusually small. Try sitting down on a toilet in the privacy of a stall, and see if that helps.
    If you are a girl, I've got nothing for you; not a clue.

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