Is it normal that i dislike people who say, "i've lost all hope in society"?

I dislike people who have "lost all faith in humanity" because some people like Twilight or Justin Bieber.
For example, I was on some website and there was a kid talking about how he hated humanity and society because some girls in his class liked One Direction.
Back then, there were witch hunts and inquisitions. I'm sure that's nothing worrying, but God forbid someone like Twilight or Justin Bieber.

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78% Normal
Based on 88 votes (69 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • FocoUS

    I agree with you completely. Some how being a fan of One Direction is now worse than being a serial killer.

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  • dappled

    I think sometimes an older generation criticises the taste of a younger generation because the older generation is aware that time is running out for them. Doesn't make it right, though.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      I've been saying that for years and didn't think anyone else understood me. Thanks for proving me wrong!

      And you've worded it much better than I ever did too :)

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      • dappled

        Weirdly, I almost deleted the comment (which I very rarely do) because I didn't like how I worded it. At least you knew what I meant. :)

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  • NotFloydzie

    Well, I've lost hope in society.

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  • Mando

    Yes it is quite an exaggerated response to trivial matters.

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  • AverageJo25

    Its all so dramatic. yea we all get that the music isnt good or as meaningful as it used to be, but to go that far and say i lost hope in humanity? more like a call for attention.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Only Americans say that. I am British so I don't do that.
    God Save The Queen.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • There is no world to discern; only one of many to be perceived.

    I don't mind that some people gaze into the abysmal maw of human nature and despair. It's understandable.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, it's normal.

    People have been worrying about the end of the world since the world fucking began. Look into every ancient culture, even the beginnings of your own, and you'll see that even they had legends and folklore of how the world was to end and what was to cause it. The most popular in today's society being Christianity's concept of "sin". Believing that the world will end because of "idiocy" really isn't unheard of or new.

    People have been pointing out society's problems with the "our society is fucked up and there is no hope for humanity" mentality for literally hundreds of years. Anyone who does not know this has never read a Charles Dickens novel, or the Bible, or a history book or even apparently obtained a general education.

    And older generations have been pointing out how fucked up the younger generation is for EVER. I blame that on general stupidity, since both stupidity and crime have existed literally forever and no generation is not guilty of it. And no, there's no "our generation is worse". Do some research, if anything, we've become more tolerant and less violent in the first world as the generations progress with only occasional spikes in aggression and general dumbfuckery.

    Yeah, my grandparents generation was better. When I was 15 I was inside of my school studying and they were protesting a few black kids coming into their school.

    TL;DR normal.

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    • Who_Fan4Life

      Charles Dickens was awesome! Ever read a Tale of Two Cities?

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I'm working on it. I saw that it could be dow.loaded for free on my phone and was like "YES!!!"

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  • emilydoll

    I'm a good person. :0

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  • alv1592

    I haven't lost all hope for humanity; there are good people out there. And I don't care what anyone else likes, but to be honest the fanbase wars all over Twitter between "Beliebers" and "Directioners" are kinda ridiculous. I don't even hate Kate Nash fans. It's not their fault they haven't heard better music and/or just don't know any better.

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  • malkiot

    I don't have much hope for society... but I never had it in the first place. It isn't for a shallow reason such as some girls liking some new boy band, that's just jealousy talking.

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  • Couman

    I assume anyone who says it in those situations is just being over-dramatic. And yeah, it's kinda dumb. There are plenty of good reasons to lose faith in humanity however.

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  • doecommajames

    I think it's completely normal because you see people saying that everywhere you look! I can garauntee that everyone who says that has done absolutely nothing to change society themselves, so they can stfu.

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  • Squambly+

    It's just meant to be a joke. Whenever someone says that I laugh because I know their just exaggerating things. Yeah a lot of people do stupid things and it pisses me off so badly but what can you do?

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  • I agree, as if all these girls think about 24-7 are Bieber and Twilight. ¯\(°_o)/¯ "Bieber. Bieber. Bieber. Twilight. Edward." I liked Nsync and the Backstreet boys when I was younger. I would go crazy going to a concert seeing one of my favorite bands/singers. I read Twilight. I watched the movies. I've listened to a song or two from One Direction and Bieber before and enjoyed it. It's music; it's entertainment. I don't take things seriously that aren't meant to be serious. Some people think they're better than the majority. "Oh I don't listen to Bieber I listen to Bach." *Sticks nose up in air*

    Let's focus more on the teen male demographic now, playing video games too much! These damn kids need to grow up! *Rips Bieber poster & smashes console* Get to work why are you having fun!

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    • thanksforthefreecar

      Why would u destroy other peoples property!!!! Thats a jail offense!!!

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      • Why would you steal someone else's car!! We know they didnt give it to you for free!!! That's a jail offense!!

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