Is it normal that i don't have a phone or a social network account?

I'm part of the generation that began getting personal cell phones in 8th grade, and EVERYONE had a myspace (yeah, it was that long ago). At first I didn't get my own cellphone because my family nor I could afford it. Then I got my first cell phone when I got my first job, mostly to talk to my first girlfriend. Since then, I've been given two phones as gifts, both gone almost completely unused and I have no desire to get one now. Besides, if you have a cellphone everyone expects to be able to reach you whenever they want to. I don't want people to invade my life like that.

As for social networking... facebook, twitter, etc. I don't feel the need to share my information and activities with anyone. And I don't need it to keep up with my friends, because I don't want to be friends with people that need facebook to maintain a friendship, and I value face to face communication.

So, anyone else feel this way?

Both of those are normal. 38
Both of those are not normal. 2
One is normal, the other isn't. (Leave a Comment) 4
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Comments ( 10 )
  • dasugaknows

    I'm 30 years old and been there done that with social media and i left it. As you get older, it only gets worse when people brag about their lives and make them seem what they arent. This is especially hard when you are going through a tough time. Fact is that grass isnt always greener on the other side and im much happier without social media.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i bet yall aint gots internet either

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    • Walterbasherdinger

      We do, but you have to run on the treadmill for an hour to log on for 5 minutes.

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  • Stickypudding

    I didn't have FB for years. Fell to social pressure. It makes you more unhappy, don't get it.

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  • MelancholySmile

    I have a cell phone but rarely use it and facebook is there for a convenience factor. I find these things to be time killers but really I could live happily without them, all of them.. my friends think I'm weird cause I'm only 18. I could live off going to see a nice band perform or read a classic. I don't fit in with my generation of teen moms and even weirder people.

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  • anti-hero

    I don't social network and could live without a phone.

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  • Owly

    I have a phone, and only use it to call my little brother. I have a Twitter and Tumblr. I never use the former, and only occasionally use the latter. (Surprise! Everything on one blog is QUEUED. And I set it up two weeks at a time.)

    For years, I had neither. And I still think Facebook can go to hell.

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  • flowerchild94

    I don't want to be a hater and rain in ur already sweet Kool-Aid but if you don't feel the need to share with others why are you asking us if this is normal? lol I just don't really believe this I'm sorry.. Not because I think it's not possible but because you wouldn't be here if you didn't either have these things and wanna come across as a hipster OR that you DO desire a opinion over the enterwebs in witch you don't "feel the need".....

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    • Walterbasherdinger

      Yeah, no offense but there's a pretty big difference between IIN and facebook. I don't really even have a reply. Just... okay?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I barely use FaceBook and I don't have a cell phone either. Though these days, a cell phone is a much needed item for emergencies, so it's technically not normal.

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