Is it normal that i don't know what to do with my cats?

I don't have the money to put them in the paper, and the closest no kill shelter is two hours away. I can't kick them out because they'll just come back, or worse when I move run into someone who hates cats. Before you ask these are strays and they're all male. One day the first one shot into the door and curled up in the laundry room. The other two meowed at the screen door until I let them in. I know I should have called animal control, but at the time I thought it would be cool to have pets.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • richardgerecameinmyass

    Stop feeding them. Don't put out any water bowls. Do not let them inside your house. Do not pet them or give them attention in any way. After awhile they will realize the gravy train has left and they will eventually disperse from your property. You have to be adament though. I have had a similar experience and I learned my lesson the hard way. If you keep feeding them and whatnot, more and more cats will start showing up and then you are going to have real problems.

    Also taking an animal as a pet is a big responsibility. You can't just take in animals and then change your mind half way. It is a commitment that you have to keep. Now you are paying the price for your mistake. Ignore them completely and don't feed them
    and they will eventually leave. If the problem gets worse you may just have to call animal control.

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    • Rihyae

      Just reading the first few sentences made me make that shivering lip frowny face lol... It'll be hard.

      And true. I might just ask again if any friends can drive me to the no kill shelter in Raleigh.

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    • Sara0303

      Agreed. Call animal control, and say they are strays

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  • Sara0303

    They like antifreeze

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  • Sara0303

    You could always shoot them

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    • Rihyae

      No gun, couldn't make myself even if I had one. I remember a cousin's neighbor did it to their cat in the back yard.

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