Is it normal that i don't think men are pussies?
I see women say all the fucking time that men wouldn't be able to handle the pain of childbirth or periods because men can't tolerate discomfort but I think that's just another way to assert "girl power" or dispel the "women are the weaker sex" bullshit without actually having to do anything.
A lot of women can't even handle the pain of childbirth and opt for epidurals. A lot of pregnant women bitch and moan and tone down functioning. A lot of women use birth control to reduce periods and take painkillers for cramps. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but I really can't see how tolerance to pain in this manner automatically makes a woman stronger than a man with some form of illness or disability.
Don't get me wrong, I admire the living shit out of a lot of these ladies. I have seen women do their absolute best to cope with the worst of physical circumstances and yes even show the same endurance that is taken for granted from men but when the fuck did physical strength become the paramount of existence again when we can prove ourselves in every other outlet? When did pain tolerance become the ultimate test of human ability?
My only point here is that pain is a human experience and shouldn't be seen as a test of physical superiority. Turning pain into a pissing contest hurts people who could use the understanding (no pun intended). is it normal that I don't believe that men not experiencing pregnancy or period pain automatically makes them pussies compared to women who have?