Is it normal that i don't think men are pussies?

I see women say all the fucking time that men wouldn't be able to handle the pain of childbirth or periods because men can't tolerate discomfort but I think that's just another way to assert "girl power" or dispel the "women are the weaker sex" bullshit without actually having to do anything.

A lot of women can't even handle the pain of childbirth and opt for epidurals. A lot of pregnant women bitch and moan and tone down functioning. A lot of women use birth control to reduce periods and take painkillers for cramps. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but I really can't see how tolerance to pain in this manner automatically makes a woman stronger than a man with some form of illness or disability.

Don't get me wrong, I admire the living shit out of a lot of these ladies. I have seen women do their absolute best to cope with the worst of physical circumstances and yes even show the same endurance that is taken for granted from men but when the fuck did physical strength become the paramount of existence again when we can prove ourselves in every other outlet? When did pain tolerance become the ultimate test of human ability?

My only point here is that pain is a human experience and shouldn't be seen as a test of physical superiority. Turning pain into a pissing contest hurts people who could use the understanding (no pun intended). is it normal that I don't believe that men not experiencing pregnancy or period pain automatically makes them pussies compared to women who have?

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79% Normal
Based on 24 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • modernism

    I think many of the people who say, "men couldn't handle the pain of childbirth" or things like that just say it in order to combat the idea that women are weak.

    In reality, it's not a matter of whether a person can "take" childbirth - it's a matter of whether a person HAS to give childbirth. Pain tolerance isn't based on sex. Like Autumn was saying, if men had to give birth, men would give birth. Anyone can experience pain. Whatever it means to "take" pain is irrelevant.

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    • As much as I welcome opposing opinions, I am pretty happy that mine came across properly. I was truly afraid of being taken as misogynistic.

      Your last sentence hit the nail on the head.

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      • modernism

        Your post wasn't misogynistic at all. It was realistic. And I appreciate that - thank you.

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  • happyism

    I don't agree or disagree with you, and the use of "pussies" is sexist, even if you didn't mean to be.
    The thing is, we're all different in endurance when it comes to pain, it's not gender related, but you must be aware that this is a world that's suited for males and females had to endure their shit for centuries, so really, being thought of as weak is not a big deal.
    It's men like masterferdan who give men a bad name, though, and I'd feel free to call him weak, because there has to be something wrong with his self-esteem if he likes to believe his gender is "so superior".

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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    Arnold Schwarzenegger handled childbirth that one time. He didn't even make a big deal of it.

    The real question we need to be asking ourselves here is WHY WE DON'T GIVE WOMEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROVE THEIR SOCALLED DOMINANCE? Statistically there are 3.12 more women than men on Earth. So why don't we send women to fight the wars and men can stay home and cook food, wash shit and watch Ellen.

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    • Freedom_


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      • mypenisinyourmouth

        THAT'S MY BEST GAME! Now let us interlock our fingers

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  • masterferdan

    men can take way more than women. they should shut the fuck up and take the easy role in the world they are given. most are not equal to men in terms of pain threshold and pain tolerance and physical capacity. most women are unfit weaklings and thus the toll of childbirth is massive on them.

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    • sunshinemoonlight

      I agree

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    The people who say that are being unrealistic. I am a woman and I don't think I could handle the pain of childbirth at all. But I agree that pain tolerance should not be some criterion for judging how "superior" a person is. The only reason we women go through it is because we have to. If men had to be the ones to do it, they would too, I assume.

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    • Agreed, that's all my point really was: pain tolerance isn't a competition. In addition to that, wishing pain on others is just plain fucked up in my opinion.

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        Yeah it isn't a competition. I'm sure there are things worse than childbirth contractions. Being branded with hot irons, perhaps. Or having needles shoved under your fingernails. That would be far worse in my opinion

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      • KingTermite

        It's like couples that argue over domestic duties based on how hard each one perceives their job to be compared to the other. It's ludicrous and very counter-productive. I'd go so far as to say if you find yourself having that sort of argument you might want to re-evaluate the continuation of the relationship.

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    • KingTermite

      A lot of things would be different if men had to do them. Abortion would never have been illegal. Prostitution would have always been legal. The list goes on and on.

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      • I must disagree as there is hardly a shortage of women who are in the pro-life camp. Whether or not you agree with their viewpoint, it is very possible to believe that abortion is murder and selfishness whilst not being sexist or self-hating. Not saying that's how I, personally, feel but knowing that, it's not hard to believe that men needing these services may not change these issues THAT drastically.

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      • modernism

        Why do you say that?

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        • KingTermite

          Because it's my opinion.

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          • modernism

            Wow, nice explanation. I was just wondering why, but okay.

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        I guess, but this is a silly conversation. If men were women, they'd be women. It's a silly thing to consider lol

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        • KingTermite

          No, I don't mean if men were women, I mean if men had the same issues. Calling in sick because of cramps would be legit. All sorts of things that only women have to deal with would be handled differently if they effected men the same way.

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          • NeofelisNebulosa

            Oh I understand now. Honestly my periods aren't that bad, but I've had friends who double over in pain from their cramps, so it varies from woman to woman.

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