Is it normal that i don't vote?

Many people get outraged because I don't vote. Why?? I think anything that has anything to do with gov't and politics is all lies and corruption. I believe elections are rigged. I fear that voting in the USA will be madnatory in the future like it is in some countries.

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 16 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • malaparte

    The "you can't complain about politics unless you vote" shit is retarded. Voting ain't the only way to influence politics, and it's actually one of the less effective means. Complain away, man.

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  • litelander8

    Fuck all these long messages.

    Yurp. Voting is useless.

    LOVE YOUR NEIGHBORS. Fuck politician’s.

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  • olderdude-xx

    You are free to exercise your right to vote or not.

    However, if you don't vote then please do not complain about the political policies adopted by the winners. You had a chance to influence that - and you declined.

    Please take responsibilities for your actions - or lack of them in the event that you do not vote.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It's normal but like all people who don't vote I'll probably tune you out when you complain about things that you *could have* voted on to change.

    Americans are incredibly privileged people. This isn't the best country, but as a female I am so grateful for how much the women before me fought for my rights to exist in the state I can. The fact I can go to college and I am not owned by my husband, and I CAN VOTE. The fact my father did not sell me into sexual slavery, the fact I wasn't sold to men from the first world as a sex slave as a toddler (look up Daisy's Destruction if you want to lose all faith in humanity). As a disabled person as well, I am so grateful for the Americans with Disabilities Act and the people who climbed out of their wheelchairs and dragged their bodies up the stairs next to congressmen who were going to vote for it. Because of them I don't have to fight against heavy doors with my cane.

    I am so grateful to exist in this slightly less corrupt country with the rights I do have and I will continue to do what I can, even with all my disabilities that fight me, to continue to fight to maintain my rights. You can continue to sit on your doughy ass and not do anything. It's your right as an American.

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  • ospry

    What's with this retarded insistence that if you don't vote you don't have a right to complain? People bitch and moan every single day about shit that they haven't done a thing to try to prevent or change. Why not jump on their dicks about how they don't have a right to complain?

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  • Anonnet

    Normal, and I wouldn't blame you if you complained afterwards, either. One vote rarely makes a difference, and there's suspicions about things being rigged every time.

    I've voted and my guy lost. I didn't feel any more or less qualified to complain just because I was there. All I can say is "I didn't vote for them" which is pretty much the same as not being there at all.

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  • Tinybird

    I don't vote either. And I will complain all I want because there are some laws I disagree with that will never change no matter what political party you choose. I'm pretty much an anarchist and as long as those laws are in place yes I will complain. I have literally no power whatsoever to change it.

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    • wigz

      Not really. I mean, voting for a representative is a semi-indirect way of getting what you want (or at least closer to it), but sometimes you do get to vote directly for a state law/constitutional amendment. For example, my state, as with a few others, are voting on abortion access since RvWade was repealed. So in that case, your vote really does matter directly. I get it that it's not your ideal world, it's not mine either, but it happens to be reality and you can have an effect on it. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

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      • ospry

        If you think that voting in your local elections will make any more of a difference than voting in general elections, I don't know if I admire your optimistic naivete or if I pity it

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        • wigz

          OK, bud.

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    Unless you follow thru and live outside society it's considered kinda retarded, but it's ok, Im kinda retarded too

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I definitely think theres funny business going on with elections now. The news isnt reporting this but look this up, the US census bureau just admitted that they overcounted the population by a lot in 8 states and undercounted them in 6 states. 5 out of the 6 undercounted states were red and 6 out of the 8 overcounted states were blue. This gave democrats 3 extra seats in congress and republicans 3 less seats. This is because you get a number of seats for your state based off of population of the state. This can not be fixed and will last 10 years.

    I refuse to believe all this horseshit is done by accident. Way too many coincidences.

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    • olderdude-xx

      The Census has never been perfectly accurate. The Census bureau does publish their estimated inaccuracies after every count (and has done that for at least the last several counts - I've not researched how far back this goes).

      There's really nothing unusual about the estimated amount over/under count or the issue.

      They keep trying to do better - and you can only do better if you understand the mistakes made in the past count.

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