Is it normal that i dont like whom i've become?

Hey I have lost a lot of weight I went from Obese to Overweight and I am still on a diet.
Lately I feel bad because my personality changed along with my body.

I was a very funny person to be around, I used to make fun of myself all the time and now I can not do that because I am not Fat enough. Also as a waitress I used to say "trast me this food is delicious" and sawing my belly at the same time! Everyone ordered what ever I recomented. Now they look at me like "what ever".
But all that I can work with.

What is upseting me the most is that I used to judge everyone as hard as I judge myself. So now I am hard on ppl who say staf like "I have tryied everything, Or I dont have time, Or I dont eat that much that is the way I am!" I confront them in a way I did not like when others did to me.But I cant help it! I want to help them understand that this is not true!!! They can do it!!!

Pluss I am angry with some friends that they say I have lost enough and I need to stop now, when I am still OVERWEIGHT according to DOCTORS!!!
They say "what is your goal then?" I respond the lowest weight that gives me the right BMI. And they say "WHAAAAT that is even lower than what I am!!! You wont be healthy or you wont be beautiful it wont suit you!!!" Then I respont "We will see that! I will go where my DOCTOR say I should and if I dont like it I will gain some buck"

But all i want to do is punch them in the face!!! When I was Obese ppl still had an opinion about my weight and it never bothered me! Today If they say something I am mad!!!

Plz tell me if you have expirianced something like that and do you feel like I am terning into a bad person mean with Fat ppl and angry with thin???

Yes, I have lost weight and I felt that way too 0
No, I have lost weight and I never felt that way 2
I think it is normal 7
I dont think it is normal 0
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Unimportant

    Is your weight loss entirely attributable to the diat or are you taking some supplements/drugs? Those could potentially cause changes of your mood, as far as I know.

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    • S3LiN4

      No i dont take anything I only eat acording to doctors advices. Thnx for your opinion any how!!! :)

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  • bubsy

    When you start to improve yourself, you'll often face resistance in the form of others. Seeing you get better or healthier hurts their ego because it's one less excuse for them to do nothing.

    Poking fun of yourself, while good to be able to do, shouldn't be your opening line to customers. There is a reason why depression and suicide is so common among comedians. Keep up the diet and don't be afraid to love yourself.

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    • S3LiN4

      I totaly get what you are trying to say thnx a lot!

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  • S3LiN4

    thnx for your responce

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