Is it normal that i dress up in a costume when no-one else is in the house?
One day, I was bored when doing A-Level exam revision (I seriously couldn't be bothered to do it at the time) so I decided to look up a list of things to do when bored, and one thing was...
"Invent your alter-ego by making a costume and pretending to be something you're not."
So, I did.
I decided to make a costume out of an old red-and-black chequered bedsheet which I wear like a cloak, a skull mask, a scarf, a black long-haired wig attached to a wizard hat, furry gloves, old boots, a long rope-like thing which I used as a tail and a couple of other things - basically old costume accessories from around the house.
And now whenever I'm home alone (which is occasional) I dress up as my alter-ego and act like he would... It hasn't got a name though. I store the costume in a drawer that no-one ever looks in.
It's great fun but something I'm embarrassed to do when other people are around. Because it's like something a kid would do. But I love it. Today I did it, and I almost got caught by my little brother (one day I might intentionally try and make him jump with the costume... although he might cry because he's only 8, so maybe not)
Is this normal or something a bit odd to you? It seems odd. Maybe it's because I like fantasy novels and RPG games. Maybe it's because dressing up is just a cool thing to so, and many people, notably many rock musicians, have done it at some point. I'm such a nerd =P
So... IIN?