Is it normal that i dress up in a costume when no-one else is in the house?

One day, I was bored when doing A-Level exam revision (I seriously couldn't be bothered to do it at the time) so I decided to look up a list of things to do when bored, and one thing was...

"Invent your alter-ego by making a costume and pretending to be something you're not."

So, I did.

I decided to make a costume out of an old red-and-black chequered bedsheet which I wear like a cloak, a skull mask, a scarf, a black long-haired wig attached to a wizard hat, furry gloves, old boots, a long rope-like thing which I used as a tail and a couple of other things - basically old costume accessories from around the house.

And now whenever I'm home alone (which is occasional) I dress up as my alter-ego and act like he would... It hasn't got a name though. I store the costume in a drawer that no-one ever looks in.

It's great fun but something I'm embarrassed to do when other people are around. Because it's like something a kid would do. But I love it. Today I did it, and I almost got caught by my little brother (one day I might intentionally try and make him jump with the costume... although he might cry because he's only 8, so maybe not)

Is this normal or something a bit odd to you? It seems odd. Maybe it's because I like fantasy novels and RPG games. Maybe it's because dressing up is just a cool thing to so, and many people, notably many rock musicians, have done it at some point. I'm such a nerd =P

So... IIN?

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 35 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Gasmasker

    You should name him Skulthazor Ropetail and write a diary in his perspective.

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  • This is the best! I dont care/ know if its normal. Sounds awesome fun!

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  • abnormalman

    oh my God, this is awesome. I used to do it too, it's a great memory. I just can't believe I found someone else who likes that same thing. I also had my self-created costume which resembled my alter ego. Now a modification of that alter ego is the main character of a tetralogy of my novels. You're awesome!

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  • deb

    What ever floats your boat :]

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  • ThroughRock

    Completely normal. Dressing up is good fun.

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  • lil

    Lol this made me laugh! Everyone has secret alone behaviour! I'm guessing this would keep your imagination sharp! Funny stuff!!

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  • aliwashere0609

    I'm definitely gonna try this sometime. it must be loads of fun(:

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  • Violet_X

    NO it's not normal. But that's okay because that's way cooler than being normal. lol

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  • menzel

    I dress in my mums underwear and masturbate when no ones home,, so I think your normal:)

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    • .....

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  • dappled

    Personally, I think it's fantastic. Exercising your imagination is no bad thing.

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  • AngAnders112

    ^^good questions! let us know!

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  • MrsBailey9

    I don't think it's weird. You said "Alter-Ego" I find that quite interesting. What do you do when you are dressed up? Do you have a name yet? You should. How old are you? Do you pretend to have special powers when you are dressed up? If so, what kind? Is your character male or female? How much time do you spend being in "character"? Why are you worried about getting caught?

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  • Josie_57

    haha this made my day. everyone does stupid stuff when theyre home alone :D

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