Is it normal that i enjoy cheating girls?

Let me be clear! Not in relationships. Like when I walk on the road and if a random girl walks straight towards me, I intentionally keep my face and eye contact straight but not looking at her and when she crosses me, she checks out if I'm checking her. But when she realizes I don't see her, she get disappointed and I have a great feeling of making her look like a fool.

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35% Normal
Based on 23 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Ellenna

    What does this have to do with cheating? You're not making sense

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  • lolamanilow77

    Just remember Karma when the playa gets played...

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  • RoseIsabella

    There's power in not giving people the attention they crave. It's a funny thing, because the people who most crave attention get nothing if they appear needy, but the ones who appear to want none get attention even if they aren't looking for it.

    I like to just ignore certain people who act flirtatious when it's overly so. I also never laugh at unfunny jokes just to be nice the way some people do.

    I'm not mad at ya. Do yo thing, it ain't hurting nobody, except maybe people who are full of themselves.

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    • curious-bunny

      Aye, problem for is I find most jokes funny so I look like an idiot often

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, if you honestly think it's funny then sure, it's normal to laugh.

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  • Rabblt

    does this really happen though? i've never seen anything like this in public happen with others, or myself.

    i just try to smile and wave, unless im in a big city and dont feel safe...i ignore everyone and walk as fast as possible. eye contact is an invitation for them to harrass you, i guess.

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    • It happens to me always.

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      • McBean

        This only happens when she wants your attention because she thinks you look attractive. If you are a non-attractive guy, she will interpret any attention as creepy. She will expect you to look away as if you are diseased.

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  • WeirdDudeFromTheSouth

    Its narcissistic to assume every girl that looks at you while passing is hopinv youre checking them out. Most girls are probably just being polite. I usually always acknowledge someone when passing them.

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  • SwickDinging

    Maybe she's looking at you because you're funny looking? You don't really know what's going on in someone else's head

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  • Yea I hate me a proud stuck up bitch

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