Is it normal that i enjoyed inserting aloe into my anus?

I have always suffered from constipation and hemorroids, but it has gotten so much worse lately. It has always hurt so much just to take a dump, but it has gotten even more painful lately. I was at my wit's end, so I decided to try inserting aloe into my anus. I cut the inner flesh of the aloe into strips, froze them, and put one of those strips up my butt. It felt uncomfortable for literally just a second as it went in, but it also alleviated my anal and rectal areas instantly. I expected this to happen, but what I didn't expect was for it to feel so good and for it to feel so relaxing. I actually got really wet as I laid on my bed while the aloe was retained in my rectum. The sensation was so intense that it mellowed me out and I actually fell asleep. Even I found it strange that something I did for medical purposes ended up being very pleasant for me. I look forward to my next dose of aloe.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Username69696969

    The anus is seen as taboo, but I never understood why. Sticking things up there feels good, and thats coming from a straight dude. No shame in that.

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  • lordofopinions

    Aloe has a lot if healing properties. If you find that sticking aloe up your butt helps that's fine. It should not do any harm. Sweet dreams. :)

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    • crazypassion

      Thanks dude. Yeah it really does help a lot. And I guess you're saying sweet dreams as a reference to the fact that shoving aloe up my butt is relaxing to me. Actually, that is the exact reason why I always stick my dose of aloe up my butt at night.

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