Is it normal that i fear cockroaches as a man
Especially the large flying ones,i hate when they fly and crawl with their antennas swaying about. I wonder why God created them.So IIN?
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Especially the large flying ones,i hate when they fly and crawl with their antennas swaying about. I wonder why God created them.So IIN?
Yes i understand, it's not that you're afraid they're going to harm you, it's that they're so nasty that their presence disgusts you.
Cockroaches and rats will dominate the planet long after people have exterminated themselves.
You'd really hate my neighbors, man. Their houses are literally infested with the cockroaches. They could do something about it anytime they want, but they choose to rent out those infested houses to multiple families instead. Their houses aren't big enough for as many people that are crammed into those houses.
I really hate living in this ghetto neighborhood.
If I see a cockroach, I scream and cry and kill it. They don't deserve to live.
They are on this planet to inherit it when man wipes himself out. It is said that they will survive a nuclear holocaust and I've heard they can be frozen and microwaved and live.
I know they eat the skin of people's feet when they sleep, and are extremely nutritious. If you end up in a 3rd world jail without money , eating them can keep you alive for years.
But I hate them too. It's a killing rampage, should one venture aboard our boat. Die, die, die, you scum of the earth, DIE, stomp!
Very occasionally a palmetto bug will fly aboard, then it's like WWWIII! Mostly they come aboard in cardboard boxes or shopping bags. We try to be careful, but a few a year get through.
We went over 3 years w/o any and its been a month or more since we've seen any, after a few very bloody battles after an attempt by them to establish a beach head.