Is it normal that i fear i may never work again thus my soul being destroyed

iv been on jobseekers for 5 years now and i fear i may never work again . i have to put up with stupid training courses that teach me what i already know. i had to do 2 hour job searchwhich is bloody ridicoulous 1 hour is enough. it feels like a vicious circle.

i do have a disability with my eyes as well as a progressive disease in my good eye so i know employers will see me as a liability.

has anyone else been on these stupid training courses time after time. i aint gonna be on benifits all my life sod that rather die prematurely . am i worrying too much?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • disthing

    Wow that is a bloody long time to be on JSA :O

    There must be jobs out there where your sight disability doesn't matter too much. Check this website out:

    Honestly I don't know how you've managed to be on JSA for 5 years but it must be depressing for you. Have you actually thrown yourself into looking for work? Have you offered to do voluntary positions? Do you actually apply to jobs every week? Do you hand CVs out at local shops / businesses? Do you visit the websites of large retail companies and check for vacancies?

    And hey, don't complain about having to do a 2 hour job search or going on training courses, at least JSA is there for you. There are many countries that have literally no support for people out of work; you work or you starve.

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    • cooldudejw

      yep done all that. i dont volenteer in charity shops no more otherwise id die of boredom.

      i just aint motivated these days.

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      • disthing

        Well if you aren't motivated it's going to be hard to come across well in any interview.

        I don't blame you for not feeling motivated after 5 years though. But do you genuinely WANT to work? What do you feel passionate about?

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  • BlueAlice

    I'm quite surprised you're not on Disability Living Allowance, myself (Unless you are and you've not mentioned it already).

    Even if your eyes are affected, I believe you could still do dictations and touch-type using a Braille/specially adapted keyboard (I assume), maybe interpret for blind-deaf people, volunteer in a charity shop
    I sometimes look for over 4 hours in a day.

    I've been on JSA for 3 months. I agree that some of the training courses teach a grandma to suck eggs, but they're there and so is the financial support.

    Volunteering is a great idea and many employers admire it as it shows you're willing to do sometihng off your own back.
    The charity shop Scope is great for taking on volunteers with a disability, so I've heard.

    * * * * *

    I "only" have mild Asperger's Syndrome and happen to wear glasses, but I feel for you. There are many JSA workers who are - if anything - in even worse positions than us.
    Although she is gone now, I think Karen Sherlock is very inspiring. She had a vitamin deficiency, double incontinence and at least one or two other conditions, but battled to get the right support for her right up to her death in June.

    I couldn't even dream of having that strength, but I want to fight against ATOS, Workfare and all the shitty disability discrimination and I know I'm not the only one.

    *shakes head sadly*

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    • cooldudejw

      i do get DLA but i dont make me happy. im sick to death of being disabled. i am determined to have a nice athletic body to compensate.

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      • BlueAlice

        OK, that's fair enough.

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  • Sog

    Why do you tell employers about your eyes? Does it affect you so much that it impedes your work?

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    • cooldudejw

      it proberly would. and woudent i get sacked if i dident tell em anyway

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