Is it normal that i fear people i love are being raped when i'm not with them?

Ok, so as the title suggests I have this massive phobia that when I'm not around people they are being raped or beaten up or just generally forced into a bad situation like that, revolving around abuse. I've never really questioned it until now because it's just always been that nagging sensation at the back of my head that I forget about as soon as I see that person again. It's mainly an issue when someone says "I'm just popping out I'll be back in 5 mins" and they don't come back for like an hour (especially worse when they've gone out alone/it's dark outside). I don't know why I've never thought about this before, it just always seems to vanish into nothingness once they return. Like, it's even bad just thinking about my girlfriend going to the doctors to get a chest infection looked at, I don't even know why I'd fear a doctor doing anything sexual when tending to a patient (media sensationalisation maybe one could say is the root of such a fear?). Has anyone ever experienced this before? Should I be worried? Is it likely I'm repressing something? I've been to counselling before but never thought about it outside of the scenario until now, I don't even know if talking about it in counselling would help; so should I approach something akin to hypnotherapy to try and see if something can be dragged out?

A little about myself that may help give a cause to someone detached from the situation: I have minor aspergers leading to social awkwardness (I don't know whether one could say anxieties or not, there have been multiple incidences in my past revolving around things of a sexual nature (being reprimanded for sexual experimentation at a young age, reprimanded for 'public nudity' at a very young age, but none of them for anything akin to sexual abuse as far as I am aware), as a child my mum worked nights at a pub so I often wouldn't see her until just before I went to bed and she looked very worn out and maybe I worried about where she was at night. I could list many things which I don't even know if they are relevant but I just really would like to find (a way to get to) the bottom of this because it puts me on edge almost constantly.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • As someone who has had this happen, I can say there is nothing you can do to prevent it so there is no point in worrying about it. What you can do is defend your friends when you know something isn't right, but you can't just follow everybody around and you cannot live your life hiding from your fears.

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  • Nokiot9

    Shit happens, and terrible people do terrible things, but this fear is pretty irrational. Ur more likely to be struck by lightning twice in a day, than you are to get gang raped on ur way to the store.

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  • WhiteStallion

    I agree with the advice given in the previous comment. I do not believe you're paranoid but rather I think everyone has this fear at the back of their minds while they carry on with their daily routines.I, for one, become too busy with work to fret over these thoughts. I think we should take precautions at times and just be there to help when its needed because it's the best we can do. Worrying yourself sick is not going to help anyone.

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